Chapter 13-- Part Uno

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Picture of Jose Carlos Gomez

Teegan's POV

"Malik is not the one Luz!" I scream at her. Miyah, Luz, Mariana and I we're having a girl's night. At the moment the girls where trying to figure out who was this boy who had me so giddy.

"Okay, okay I believe you but I NEED to know who is." She says.

"Okay. I'll tell you but ALL of you have to promise not to freak out."

"Okay we won't freak out just tell us you this guy is." Miyah says with excitement in her eyes.

"WelltheluckyguyisJuanManuel." I rush out really fast.

"Girl say it so that we freaking understand." Luz says getting mad.

"Okay damn calm your tits. The lucky guy is Juan Manuel. Happy.

Suddenly Miyah and Luz do the one thing that I told them not to do. Freak out. Hard headed little girls.

The only one that didn't freak out was Mariana and I know why. She told me about the heart to heart convo she had with Manny.

"I thought I told y'all not to freak out girls."

"Yeah that was before you confessed that you we're in love with my big brother." Luz objects.

"There's more girls." I tell them deciding that I should let all my dirty laundry out.

"I also have a teeny tiny crush on both Malik and Sergio. Its not the same feelings that I have for Manny but there's definitely some attraction."

"Well damn." Is all that Miyah could say and Luz was for the first time speechless. I subconsciously patted myself on the back for the accomplishment.

"Yeah I know. I want to be with Manny. Honeslty I do, but I also want to know my true feelings for the other two first before I rush into anything with Manny. And there's the fact that I still could at any point be moving back to Atlanta. And that idea scares me because I've become so close to everyone."

"Well here's my advice." Luz says and I instantly know not to listen to it. "I say you lose that little v-card of yours to Manny and be with him. He's the best one for you no matter how much I like Malik."

"Haha Luz that's crazy." All of us were still virgin's including Mariana. But losing it to Manny didn't seem like the worst idea on the planet.

"Don't listen to that idiot. I say you give Manny a try. Maybe secretly dating each other or something. Because lets face it, Sergio has the biggest crush on you. Its probably crush his little man pride if he knew that you were dating his big brother." Mariana says and the other two agree.

"Secret dating." I ponder.

"Yeah you know until he get a over that crush on you and all."

"I'll have to think about it and talk to Manny."

"Good so on another note-"Luz begins but is cut off by Sergio coming to the door. He tells me that the phone is for me and that the call is very urgent. I rush down stairs to see a stricken face Juan holding the phone out to me. And after saying hello I understand why.
Short chapter. I think it's gonna be either two parts or up to four parts and there all gonna be short chapters. Who do you think was on the phone? Do you think that Manny is gonna go along with the secret dating thing? And do you think Sergio overheard yet another conversations.

Drama is about to unfold!!

Thanks for reading, Kaliah

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