Chapter 23

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So this chapter and maybe the next three will jump months and years. It has now been three months since the engagement. The next chapter after this will be The same day. And the one after that will provably jump some years.
Also everything will unfold in this chapter so hopefully it is a lot better and longer.

Teegan's POV

You would think that Manny and I would be very happy with each other right now. If only you knew that you'd be sooo wrong.

My hormones have been everywhere. I was officially nine months pregnant and two days closer to my delivery day. I couldn't be happier about that.

But being so close left me aggravated all the time. Every little thing got on my nerves. And everyone understood that except for my baby daddy. Its as if year didn't understand that I didn't want to be bothered with. Which is why as of right now we are fussing.

I was extremely agitated so I decided to go upstairs to be left alone. Apparently Manny didn't understand the alone part. So he followed me to my room.

"Baby you need to calm down and stop going off on everyone." he says to me.

"Manny No one told you to come up here. I came up her to be ALONE. Meaning by myself. I didn't need you to follow me up here damn."

"Okay no need to be so cranky."

"Well maybe I wouldn't be this cranky if would just leave me alone. YOU followed me up here. YOU started with me. I clearly stated I wanted to be left alone, but no you just had to follow me didn't you?" I sad getting really mad.

"Teegan you need to calm down." he says a small smirk on his face. I was mad and he thought it was funny.

I had officially hit my breaking point.

"I hate you!" I scream walking backwards. I was mad, hormonal and crying.

"No you don't mami." he replies smirking and walking towards me.

"Don't call me that." him calling me mami just does something to me. Especially in my condition. As I say I hit the wall behind me.

Crap I think.

"Trapping me against the wall he asks, "don't call you what mami, mami?" his cool breath fanning my face and that oh so familiar smirk stretches his face. He loved to get under my skin whenever he could.

Weakly I reply, "I hate you Juan Manuel."

"So who do you love then, that little boy from school?" he asks kissing my cheek.

Thinking It will make him jealous I agree. "Yeah that's him that's who I love." I knew that he was referring to Malik who he didn't like that much anymore. But it doesn't make him jealous, instead it makes him chuckle.

"Wrong novio, you love me, as I love you." With that he slowly grabs me by my waist, pulls me towards me and kisses me deeply and passionately. And not one moment do I fight the kiss or correct him. Because the words that escaped his mouth were nothing but the truth.

"You better now Teegan?" he asks as he places his forehead against mine. He got on my nerves all the time now, BUT He als I was the only one who could get through to me when I was feeling this way. Which I why I loved him.

"Yes Juan Manuel I feel better."

"Good cause I hate seeing you agitated."

I laugh before pulling his head down for a kiss. But before his lips reach mine I heard a loud bang before my vision becomes blurry. The last thing I hear is Manny screaming my name before I'm out.
Waking up I notice that I am tied to a chair In a room. Across from me is Manny. He is too tied to a chair. His head is limp and bloody. A huge gash on the right side of his face. Everyone one else are chained together in the corner. I notice that Malik isn't here so some how he must of gotten past whoever took us.

It's dark in the room but I can spot certain things. Like the guard standing post by the door. A huge gun in his hand.

He looks around and notices that I am awake. Picking up his walkie talkie, he rapidly speaks into it. A few seconds later in walks a nicely dressed older black man. His hair is gray and glasses rest upon his face. Behind him walks four girls and a guy. The guy was pulling two injured people behind him. Them two dripping in blood, there heads low and barely walking.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Miss Teegan Richardson. If I'm not happy to see you." he says as all of them standing in front of me.

This is when I notice who those people where. Each and every one of them.

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