Chapter 20---Part Three

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Other two outfits

Manny's POV

"You got to wake up baby. We all need you to open up the big beautiful brown eyes so that we can see them. I don't know What I would do if I lost you Teegs. I love you to damn much for you to slip away from me just like that." I say as tears slip my eyes. I couldn't believe that one minute we were celebrating her birthday and the next she was in a coma, the doctors not knowing if she was gonna wake up.

I couldn't handle the sight anymore and left the room. Everyone was crying. Tears streaked there face as everybody prayed that Teegan and the children would be okay. It was killing everyone.


Flashback to an hour ago

We had just all piled into the cars we came in. Since Tatiana and crew wanted to bother us at the restaurant; we all decided to head back home, get dressed in comfortable clothes and watch Netflix for the rest of the night. Gifts that everybody got for Teegan would be exchanged during that time. Me giving her my gift last.

But the night went another way. A terrible turn of the night.

I was driving the Range, following behind Mariana who was driving my truck. We were stopped at a red light, and since it was around ten o'clock the lights didn't work like they did during the morning. Some a little slower than others.

Once the light turned green, Mari hesitated for a second before pulling forward. Easing up just a little she starts to drive. Just when she gets in the middle of the road, a car comes driving at full speed and crashes into the right side of the car. My truck goes flying and turning before stopping. The good thing was that It flipped right side up.

Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. All the guys climbed out the car as Addison called 911. One by one all the girls got out the car. All but one.

Seeing that Teegan was still in the car, I sprint to her side of the car. The right side. The door is jammed shut and Teegs is trapped in between her seatbelt.

"Help!" I scream as I try to pry the door open. It doesn't budge. Sebastian, Jose, and Jamal all try to help but with no pull.

Taking a good look at Teegan I see that She hasn't moved. It didn't even look as though she was breathing.

Banging on the window I try to catch her attention. "Teegan!" I scream as I continue to bang. "Baby, baby come on wake up. Look at me baby look." no matter how much I scream and bang she doesn't look up. Doesn't move. Nothing.

"Sir we need you to move out the way so we can get to Her." I hear the fireman say but I'm numb and just stand there.

Watching as they pry the door open and cut her out of the car.

Watching as they check her pulse and say that it's barely there.

Watching as the put her on a gurney and put her in the ambulance. I rode with her to the hospital, holding her hand the whole time but not really comprehending what was going on.

When we got to the hospital they rushed her to ICU and made all of us wait in the waiting room. The police came and questioned all of us, and all the girls got checked out.

Nia had to get a full exam since she was pregnant. Everything came out good and the baby was okay. Luz had to get stitches all across her forhead and the others we're okay.

"Richardson family." I hear the Doctor say as he comes to stand in front of us.

"Doc how is Teegan and the baby?" Miyah asks tears running down her face.

"Teegan is in a coma. We have put her on life support as of right now for the babies sake. The babies will be okay as long as she is still on life support. Now this is where things get touchy. With Teegan being pregnant and only 17 years old, and having just been in an accidnet; we don't know how her body is going to react. Right know her body is in a state of distress. Meaning that for now it's completely touch and go. Its not guaranteed that see will wake up. And there's nothing we can do because we don't want to further her body of the babies." he says.

I take in all of what He says before walking. Everyone screams after me but I keep going.

Finding an empty hall I take my anger out of what ever I can. Which happens to be the wall. I repeatedly punch the wall before sliding down it an crying. I faintly feel and hear Mari and Liz come beside me and hug me. They repeatedly say everything is going to be okay. But how can in.

I can possibly lose my babies and the love of my life. All because of some stupid son of a bitch who ran the light.


"What were you thinking you dumb bitch?" he says as he slaps me.

"If she doesn't live to see the next day you will also be dead right along with her. Her dying is not how the plan goes. You better hope, and pray that she lives, or sweetheart YOU want to see another day. Got me." he booms. I shake my head yes before He walks out, leaving by face stinging.
Part three is done.

Who do you think ran into them?

And who do you think were talking at the end?

Will Teegan wake up and be okay?

Or is She gonna die?

Thanks for reading.

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