Chapter 26

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Wedding day

Manny's POV

The song ends and the next one comes on. Its Wanted by Kehlani. Because this wasn't a traditional wedding we didn't want to have a traditional song. And since this song summed up how we felt for each others we choose. This one was perfect. Even though it was fast, Teegan made it work.

By now I was in full blown tears. She looked phenomenal in her wedding dress. Her hair cascading down her back. I instantly fell in love all over again. I knew she was the one for me and nobody else.

By the time she got to the alter my emotions had got the best of me.

"Hi." she breathes when she reaches me. I grab her hands not able to say anything.

"Who gives this woman away?" the pastor asks starting the ceremony.

Jose says he does before stepping away and going to his spot.

"We have come together at the invitation of Teegan and Juan Manuel to celebrate the uniting in Christian LOVE, their hearts and lives. This is possible because of the love God has created in them, through Jesus Christ."

"Teegan and Juan Manuel, no other human ties are more tender, no other vows are more sacred than these YOU are about to assume. You are entering into that holy estate which is the deepest mystery of experience, and which is the sacrament of diving love. It has come to my attention that you have both wrote you own vows. Juan Manuel why don't you start us off."

"Teegan. You caught my attention the moment I say you. I knew then that I had to have you. At first I thought it was just a silly crush, but the longer I got to be around you and the more I got to know you I knew that it was more than that. Quickly I noticed that I was in love with you and would do anything for you. That love only strengthened after you bared my kids and birth to not one but two bundles of joys. I can never see myself with anyone else and never want you to leave my side. You make me so happy and I thank you for that. I love you." I finish kissing the top of her hand. Tears stream down her face as she smiles.

"And now your vows Teegan."

"Manny, when I first meet you I knew there was something interesting about you. You were a mystery that I wanted to figure out. And soon I did. We became best friends. You became someone that I could trust. I can honestly say you were my first in everything. First love, first kiss, first one to make love too, to which we we're given two wonderful and beautiful kids. I can not thank you enough for all the wonderful, amazingly beautiful things. I love you Jua, Manuel and never want you to ever leave my side." She says finishing off her vows.

"Juan Manuel will you have Teegan to be you wedded wife, after God's ordinance in the Holy Estate of matrimony; will you love here comfort her, honor her and keep her, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only for her so long as you both shall live, for,better or worse?" he asks me.

"I do."

After repeating the same words to Teegan she too says, "I do."

"May we please the ring?" Jose Carlos brings the rings forward handing each of us the opposite ring.

"Juan Manuel you may now place you ring on your bride's finger." Happily I slip the ring on her finger kissing it when I finish.

"Teegan you may now place you ring on your groom's finger." he says to her as does the same thing I did.

I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride." he tells me and I waste no time kissing my wife, sealing the deal.

The reception was amazing. We danced, ate, and had a great time. It was time for the finally dance and again we were doing it to an unusual song. It was They Way by Kehlani.

As we danced I couldn't fathom a life with out Teegan in it. And now I would never have to.
There married finally After all that craziness. Because of the deletions of the others cake this one was the last one I had. But cake three would have won. One chapter left before Teegan's and Manny's story will be over.

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