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Teegan's Pov

Dinner was different. At home the three of us would all sit around the table, eat together and talk about our day at school and work.

Here on the other hand, we all fixed our plates and sat in the living room. Mariana would give us options on what we could watch, and we would watch that. Once that was over, and everyone was done eating then we would talk about our days. Everybody talking over everyone, nobody really seemed to hear anybody. But somehow they did.

~flashback to Dinner time~

Apparently I fell asleep because Sergio was over me shaken me. He was telling ne that dinner was ready. His face was so close to me that when I did wake up we almost kissed. Talk about something awkward.

On the way downstairs, he took it upon himself to tell me how they gather around to eat. Yes they ate as a family. No they did not eat all around a dinner table like I'm so used to.

There were absolutely to many people to even try to eat at the table.

Including me there were 13 people eating in the house. And the table only sat 4 people.

So dinner went a little like this. Everybody had to be home by dinner time. Something about a family tradition. When the food was ready they would sit it all around the table. All the plates and the utensils would be on the counter. Everybody would form a line and get their plates and utensils. Then they would fill their plates. Once the plates were all fixed. Everyone headed to the living room.

In the living room, everyone hads their own seats. There was 2 sofas. A couch that apparently held 6 and 5 people made cots on the floor and sat their.

Sergio sat in one of the sofas so he let me sit in lap.

Sergio's oldest brother Juan Manuel made a cot right beside the sofa we sat in. He was very mysterious. He didn't talk a lot unless either Sergio, his sister's or one of his friends talked to his first. It was as if he kinda just surveyed and listened but didn't participate in anything.

In the other sofa sat Mariana, and her little sister Luz made a cot beside her. Apparently the two were really close since their mom died. And the same goes for Sergio and Juan Manuel.

Luz's boyfriend also sat on a cot that was right beside hers. He was absolutely scared shitless of her big brothers. His name was Pablo and he lived down the street.

On the other two cots sat Luz's bestfriends Miyah and Addison. The two of them were also boyfriend and girlfriend. They came to dinner every Tuesday and Thursday.

On the couch sat Sebastian; which is one of Juan Manuel's bestfriend; and Tatiana, his little sister and Juan's ex girlfriend. They sat on the end closest to Sergio and Tatiana kept sneaking glances at Juan but he never looked back.

Also on the sofa sat Paola Andrea and Ana Maria. These two were also very mysterious. They were twins and lived here too. Jose Carlos sat on the sofa too. He was another of Juan Manuel's bestfriends.

After eating, watching some movie I didn't understand at all, and talking over each other about one anothers day, we all got up and helped clean up. The guessed put all the cots away. Then they would get their stuff, say goodbye and leave.

"So will you be going to Tidal Wave High also." Asked Miyah directing her question to me.

"Umm yeah". I response.

"Great, a new friend." Won't that be great Addy." She asks her boyfriend but doesn't give him time to answer.

"You'll love it there. And you'll have me, Addy over here, Luz and Sergio to help you out. Well bye everybody." And she was gone.

The other people who actually lived in the house helped cleaned the kitchen. Mariana and Luz washed and dried the dishes. Paola Andrea and Ana Maria put the dishes away. Sergio and Juan Manuel swept and cleaned off the sinks and tables. Sergio told me to just put all the stuff not used away.

Once dinner and cleaning was all over everybody just kinda went their separate ways.

~end of flashback~

"So how is dinner different here than at home?" Asked Mariana.

"Well since there was only three of us we all sat at around the table and talked about our day. Mama would always wash dishes and i'd do the rest of the kitchen work. Dad was always to worn out to do anything but sleep."

"After a week I think you'll get more comfortable with this. But maybe you shouldn't sit on Sergio's lap anymore. You tend to move around a lot and seems like that makes my little brother a little too happy." She says smirking.

Gasping I make my way up stairs to take a shower. But not knowing where anything is, I hope someone is in the hallway.

When I made it up the stairs I say Juan Manuel walking out of his room. And since I didn't see anybody else in the hall, I decided to ask him.

"Juan Manuel," I say,"umm is there anyway you can show me where the towels and wash cloths are?" I ask.

Looking me up and down he grunts his answer saying following me before walking in the opposite direction. He stops in front of a closet beside Luz's room.

"In here is all the towels and wash cloths you need and extra soap in case you run out of yours." He tells me while grabbing me everything I need.

"Okay?" He asks before walking up to me. Standing extremely close might I add.

"Yea." I reply.

"Well then Teegan", he says touching my cheek. "Have a nice shower."

And with that he walks away smirking leaving me looking dumbfounded in the hall way.

What the hell just happened?

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