Chapter 17

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Nia's POV

Picking up the phone I decide that today is the day that I tell Teegan everything I know. Since the last time a lot of fucked up shit has happened. So much to the fact that Jamal and me had to pack up and move. I loved the Richardson's but they life was putting ours in danger. And I not had to look out for Jamal and I, but for this baby.

From what I know, The people that's after the Richardson's some cold hearted people. They will do whatever it takes to get back they money. Including kill. The Richardson's really needed to get they life before something crazy pop off.
Teegan's POV (still date night)

Walking into the house I was greeted with a frantic Mariana rushing towards us. She had the phone up to her ear and was motioning to me.

"Good thang you here girl. This is Nia on the phone for you, and from the sound of her voice this is very important.

Taking the phone from Mariana, I dash upstairs to talk to Nia.
An hour and a half later and I'm still reeling over the conversation that occured between Nia and I. From what I understand, my parents are in wayyyyy more trouble when I first found out about their problems. Money was needed now, and my parents weren't able to pay it. Big and bad people where after my parents, and they didn't care how they got they're money back. As long as they got it.

The threats got so bad to the point that Jamal and Nia had to leave Atlanta. They didn't tell my where they were going, but as long as there safe then I'm fine. Especially now since the got a baby to care for.

Another thing that was said over the phone was that I was not to contact my parents at all. Whatsoever, if I needed them I basically just had to suck it up. That made me worry. If those people can threaten not only my mom and dad, but also my two best friends. It they can be so bad to the point where my best friends had to move away, and I can't contact my parents; theses weren't just your everyday gangsters trying to get back their money. These were trained killers, and it feels like this is more than just a 'i want my money back type deal'. This was someone holding a grudge on my parents.

Richardson's POV

Our lives were getting worse. It seemed as if every time we got a sliver of hope that we'd be okay it was snatch from us.

A grudge. A stupid little grudge is what got us here. And from the looks of it, this grudge is about to go after everything and everyone I love. No matter we what we do.

"Keep a eye out of that Nia girl and her boyfriend. But don't hurt them just yet. There valuable to this process. And hold off on hurting the Richardson's. It seems like in order to get Teegan on our side we need to keep hee parents alive."

"Oh and don't target anyone in Miami into I say so. I need to figure out everyone's weaknesses."

Matthew thought that he could take Cynthia away from me. That he could marry her, have a family and a life with her. She was mine first and now both of them are gonna pay for the pain they have caused me over the years. I was finally gonna get my revenge and nothing or nobody was gonna stop me. Espeically with ever falling into place.
Please don't shoot me . I know this is short but I promise with all my heart that the next chapter will be wayyyy better. Thanks for reading. Love you guys.
Kaliah Monique.

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