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Teegan's POV

It's been two weeks since Nia was here and I've been trying to take her advice. But it's kinda hard when two of said boys live in the same house with you.

"So does it feel weird since Nia is no longer here?" Mariana asks me as we sit down for breakfast.

"No it actually felt weird having here. She just seemed so distant from m. As though she was hiding something."

"Do you think she was?" Ana Maria asks me. Her sister and she finally involving themselves in something. They seemed to never come down from their room abd when they did it was short lived. They kinda scared me.

"Umm I don't know. Honestly she could've been. I know that things have change since I've been gone." I say as Juan Manuel comes down. He's shirtless and wet, so it was clear that he had recently just taken a shower. Seeing him in this state momentarliy blindsided me.

"Good morning everyone." He says. His voice is still gruff with sleep allowing his accent to seep through even more than usual.

I mutter a small good morning as I hurriedly finish my breakfast and head upstairs. I desperately needed to get out of this situation and dressed for school. As if seeing Manny shirtless was enough I ran into a boxer clad Sergio running down the hall. I quickly averted my eyes, rushing into my room and locking the doors shut. This was gonna be way harder than I thought.

I decided to keep my curls down today and simply have a halo twist going across the front. Since it was Monday I decided that I would wear a black form fitting maxi dress with a Jean jacket on top and some ballet flats to go along. I put on my pink babylips and some silver hoops and called it a day. After grabbing my book bag I headed downstairs ready to start my day. As I got down stairs I heard Manny ask if everyone was ready to go. He had now put on a shirt and Sergio was too dressed for school and not bed.

Standing beside Manny I shake my head yes at his question.

"How's your morning so far mami?" I hear Juan Manuel ask me. Mami was a new name he started calling me. I acted like I hated the name but secretly loved it every time he said it. He always emphasised his accent as he said the word making it even more sexy to hear.

"Eventful Manny." I answer before grabbing his truck keys and heading to the truck. Him in tow yelling at everyone to follow behind or they'd be left and have to drive their ownselves to school.

"Well then maybe school will make it better than huh."

"It could. Maybe Malik will make the day better." I say shrruging my shoulders and noticing the tense way Manny got when I said Malik's name.

"Malik huh."Manny says his tone obviously dripped with jealousy. "How come you don't talk about this boy a lot mami?" He asks and I know that I better have a good explanation for why I don't by his tone of voice. But thankfully I ws saved by the siblings getting into the car.

Not another word was spoke between the two of us the whole ten minutes ride to school and o knew that Manny was mad at me. When we arrived at school I jumped out of the truck as quick as possible to break the awkwardness that was going on inside.

"Gosh did it seem tense in there to you or was it just me?" Asks Luz as she falls in line with me. Sergio trails behind the two of us doing something on his phone.

"Yeah I did, didn't." I say as we enter the school. From my spot I can see Malik standing by my locker and the sight brings a smile to my space.

"Oooh I see yo bar standing by your locker." Luz says as she too spots Malik. Sergio who had finally fallen in line with us snaps his head up in the direction before glaring and going back to his phone.

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