𝔭 𝔯 𝔬 𝔩 𝔬 𝔤 𝔲 𝔢

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"What is this?"

The question was phrased in such a way that the limitless confusion was easily noticeable by the other male standing in the room, with multiple guards surrounding him. The latter merely hummed and took a glance at the paper that had been placed on the desk, the paper he'd been asked to deliver, but was strictly prohibited to read.

"I don't know myself" he finally replied with a nonchalant smile, hiding his slender hands in the pockets of his coat "I'm nothing but a messenger delivering the news you should keep in mind, alas, this is no child's play from what my boss has told the agency"

The older male sitting stiffly at the desk hesitantly took the paper in hand, squinting as he read it over and over again, it was almost unbelievable something of such magnitude could happen to him, an innocent school headmaster.

"but...I can't stay here, then, my son would be endangered, as well as his friends and fellow students of the academy!" the man exclaimed as reality dawned on him. What would he do if his son was brutally murdered because of something of his fault?

"that's where you're wrong, sir" the younger male said, his voice deepening and once carefree expression dropping entirely to reflect the seriousness of the situation "if you were to leave Ouran Academy and go into hiding, that would arise suspicion, as well as endanger more than a few pupils. It can go as far as killing your fellow businessmen and their children which I'm sure most of them are enrolled in this school"

Headmaster Suoh stared right at Osamu Dazai's brown eyes, gulping nervously once he found no trace of lightheartedness in his words. Everything was true, he was being targeted, and so was his son.

"what...what do you suggest I should do?" The headmaster asked, despair noticeable in both his expression and tone of voice as he covered his face with his hands "if this...port mafia is really as strong as you make them out to be...would we really be safe with ordinary guards and police surrounding the building?"

"no, I suppose not." Osamu looked to the side tilting his head ever so slightly as to show he was thinking of a plausible answer "perhaps that's why my boss has sent me here. Maybe, he wanted me to offer you our protection on his behalf...for a price, of course. Endangering our lives doesn't come with a fourteen-days free trial, after all"

Even though he was being charged, the headmaster couldn't look happier at the moment, which wasn't a really big change from his horrified expression from a few moments earlier. No solution could make a big difference in the terror.

"anything, anything for the safety of my students, their families and...overall my son"

Osamu grinned, satisfied with the answer "well then, I'll see what I can arrange. Be expecting a few interns in a few days, Headmaster Suoh. Remember to be careful with who to trust while the Agency is Absent...or there will be unpleasant surprises"


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