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Nicole was about ready to flee the country.

The mission had seemed so incredibly easy at first glance, she could have laughed gleefully at the easy money she was to be given after it was over. It was a simple task: observe, gather intel, don't blow your cover.

...She blew her cover in a magnificent record of 3 hours in.

Once Hideki had left her alone to her thoughts and dread, she had anxiously sat at her desk at the Teacher's lounge, biting her nails in anticipation as the device remained still atop of the wooden table.

She drew doodles of steaks and cash on the corner of her notepad, tapping the colorful pens incessantly as the wait got longer and longer. At some point, the nice secretary had taken her pens away, annoyed at the consistent noise, and Nicole was left to bite her nails raw with frustration.

All her thoughts were plagued with the same short sentence:

Francis will have my head.

The thought wouldn't have affected her if she wasn't aware of the painfully amateurist mistake she had committed. Her boss could see her as a great asset all he wanted, but he too was infamous for not tolerating such mistakes even from his highest-ranking employee.

So when the long awaited moment came, Cole could only stare at the caller ID with limitless dread festering in her stomach.

God, she only wanted a tripled salary and juicy steaks.

At the second call, Nicole hastily answered, making sure there were no teachers left in the room to properly respond.


Francis' was eerily calm. A smooth and consistent tone that sent shivers running down her spine. Her free hand automatically reached for the post it notes around the edges of her desk, and started stacking them up neatly.

"yes, boss?" she replied, feeling her acting skills giving up on her. Her collected and calm demeanor wasn't fit to be submitted to Francis' eerie, freezing, anger.

There was a prolonged silence between them. Nicole counted the seconds as the static filled her ears.

It was killing her.

"great job!"

ok. that was...new.

Cole didn't like reading between the lines. She preferred being told things straightforwardly. without beating around the bush. To think such a cheery tone could come out of her boss' mouth was a one in a lifetime experience.

She gaped at the nothingness and tried to organize her frantic ideas.

"...come again?"

"I am proud of your undercover-not-so-secret method of keeping this mission going," Francis said. Nicole heard a low murmur in the background, a voice that could only belong to Lucy. She frowned. Could she have persuaded Francis to spare her?

"I couldn't have ever imagined blowing your cover three hours in could work so well for us, but here you are, innovative as ever"

yeah, that was definitely sarcasm. And she was definitely still screwed.

"Well, you know. Gotta keep those methods coming...I guess" Was following along to Francis' painfully obvious irony? probably not. But she still wasn't sure how conversations like these were supposed to go.

Francis chuckling on the other side made her shoulders slack a tiny bit.

"ah, what a ludicrous outcome. Do not fret, however, I think this could affect our plans positively"

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