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Haruhi Fujioka was many things, but gossiper wasn't part of that extensive list. They preferred to be left alone, to focus on their studies for the future. But rumors traveled fast in a prestigious school, where reputation was everything. And it seemed some people had hit gold upon first arriving at the academy.

Everything had been going normally. The twins wouldn't stop bothering them about showing them their home again, and Sofia had been called down to the office, so there wasn't really anyone to save Haruhi from their tortuous suffering. They vaguely hoped for an ordinary day in Ouran for once, but everything seemed to go downhill after Sofia made an appearance once again during the second period, looking mighty troubled ( if her frown was anything to go by).

"What 's up?" Haruhi had asked, shifting their attention to the girl, who was staring intently at her notebook, a certain page that had absolutely nothing written on it.

"I was asked to be the guide for some new students..." Sofia had started, finally looking up at Haruhi "and they are quite strange..., one particular third year was...intriguing? I don't know if that's the correct word to describe him, he freaked me out"

Haruhi hummed, watching the teacher leave the classroom. Kaoru and Hikaru had up and left for god knows where, and the rest of the class was slowly filing out of the room. However, they did catch some words being exchanged between particularly obnoxious classmates as they made a move to exit.

"Hey, did you hear about those new third years...? I heard they are stunning!" One of them squealed, covering her mouth as a dreamy glint seeped into her eyes. Haruhi rolled their eyes.

"could you perhaps mean those people they are talking about?" They asked Sofia, who still was grimacing, unmoving in her seat. When they got no response, Haruhi looked at the clock above the blackboard. "Come on, Sofi, we should get going to the host club. or else Kyoya will triple my debt"

That last part was mumbled, yet enough for the girl to hear. Sofía giggled as she picked up her notebooks, following Haruhi out the door.



Upon first arriving at the club, the brunette was immediately hit by a miraculously healed Tamaki. The second-year wasn't sick, per se, but his strange attitude the weeks following up to that moment had been off-putting. Haruhi had never seen the boy as depressed as those past few days, so watching him grow back into his extroverted demeanor once again came as nothing short of a surprise.

As the blond came rushing to give them a hug, they stepped out of the trajectory and kept walking further into the annoyingly pink room, leaving a suffering Sofia behind to be the target of Tamaki's affection (who promptly realized it wasn't Haruhi who he was hugging, and immediately let go)

Kaoru and Hikaru snickered in the back, apparently having a session with two girls, who were close to passing out on the opposite couch. Haruhi shivered, that reaction was most certainly the product of another questionable "brotherly act"...

Or incest, both were equally accurate.

Haruhi left their bag in the back room and served themself a cup of instant coffee. They sighed as the memory of the host club discovering the creation came to mind.

As they walked out of the room, they were met with Kaoru and Hikaru pushing the ladies out of the room, Mori and Hani were cleaning the plates and teacups left on the tables, Sofia was dusting the windowsill, Kyoya was typing away at his laptop, Arisu watching him from the opposite side of the table. Tamaki approached them with a determined smile.

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