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Sofia was a nervous wreck. She had expected this to be a peaceful day at school (excluding for the occasional bickering between hosts) and overall a day in which she could relax without freaking out over something.

Clearly, she was wrong.

Sure, the morning had been quiet and she didn't feel the need to rush when she was getting ready. Upon arriving at school, she nicely greeted everyone that sent a formal salute her way, until she finally arrived at her first year classroom.

Out of everyone, she had been the last to know, and in the worst way possible. Home room had just started, their teacher was explaining a group project they would need to work on before March, when suddenly, the secretary's voice boomed through the intercom, asking her to show up at the reception.

All heads had immediately turned to her as she awkwardly walked towards the door. While she made her way to the designated location, her mind was racing, thinking of everything she might've done wrong that was the reason she had been called down to the office.

And finally, after some minutes of internal screaming, she arrived at the room. It took her a few seconds to gather enough courage to open the ridiculously big and purple doors. However, when she finally did, her nervousness ceased, getting replaced by confusion.

Standing in an organized line were a couple of people who she'd never seen before.
They were all wearing the familiar purple uniform. They were all male. Or at least that's what she firstly assumed.

In front of them was a petite lady, the secretary, holding a clipboard, trying to get the newcomers to be silent as they talked among each other. None of them seemed to be paying attention, until they sensed Sofia's presence.

She yelped at the sudden attention and began shaking. All of them were oddly tall. Too tall for her short figure, and it scared the living shit out of her. She turned towards the secretary, a nervous expression lacing her features.

"Uhm...you needed me?" She awkwardly asked, the lady immediately beamed. She was happy to know she wouldn't have to deal with any other troublesome students.

"Rubio-San! I'm glad you've arrived" she walked over towards the brunette, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder "you were called down here to meet the new students. Principal Suoh and I thought you'd be the perfect guide for—"

Before the woman could finish speaking, the twin doors swung open again with great noise, and two other girls came rushing through the doorway, startling everyone.

The first one was blonde, her seemingly long hair collected into disheveled space buns. The hems of the yellow girl's uniform seemed to have been cut by herself Call it an artistic way of rebelling against the school or simply boredom , but she seemed satisfied with it.

As she ran through the doorway, she was barely able to dodge Sofia and the secretary, but once she regained her balance, she lifted her head, only for her eyes to fixate upon two certain people.

She giggled with glee before skipping her way over to them "Hey, guys!" She hugged them out of nowhere, making them stumbled backwards and almost fall over "look at what I did to the uniform! Cute right?"

One of them, the tallest, played along with her game, giggling as they patted her head softly "very fashionable, Asa-chan" the girl twirled around as compliments were sent her way. The second tallest of the three simply watched them with an unamused look.

The second girl...well, she wasn't so lucky.

As she ran through the doors, it seemed her short, brown hair had gotten in her eyes, causing an unfortunate domino effect as she bumped into Sofia, who in turn bumped against the secretary, and then the three of them ultimately fell to the floor.

"Ow..." Sofia whined as she rubbed her back, still spread all over the tiles on the ground. None of the students seemed to be interested in helping the three girls up, so the one who caused the accident immediately stood up, bowing multiple times.

"I'm so sorry!!" She basically screamed before getting into a nervous — and barely coherent — explanation "I am so sorry, I saw the time and realized I was going to be late, so I came rushing over here but went too fast and wasn't able to stop, which ended in me bumping into you, and you bumping into the secretary and— "she paused to take a breather "and- and I'M SORRY"

Sofia laughed, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly "it's fine, instead of apologizing, could you help us up please?"

The brunette girl rushed to help the other two up from the floor. Once everyone had regained composure, she quietly went to stand next to one of the new students.

The secretary cleared her throat "as I was saying...Principal Suoh and I thought you'd be a perfect guide for our newest group of students. What do you think?"

Sofia nervously glanced at the group, who were silently staring at her. None of them seemed even mildly interested in her presence, instead they were dozing off or simply glancing at the interaction with boredom.

She would've denied the offer, but when she looked into the secretary's expectant eyes — which were too close for comfort, mind you — she just couldn't bring herself to say no and disappoint the young woman. So, reluctantly, she accepted.

"Marvelous!" The woman beamed "well, these are Oura, Adonis, Alexandre, Asahina and Eleonora. Unfortunately, none of them are in your class, they're your upperclassmen"

How great, Sofia thought, I feel like I'm going to get devoured.

"Well, off you go!" The secretary pushed them all out of the reception, not letting any space for protest. Once out, the doors closed loudly behind them.

"Right..." Sofia chuckled, feeling her hands shake "well, uh...mierda, que digo...uh, I am Rubio Sofia. It is very nice to meet you, welcome all to Ouran Academy...!"

Her voice progressively grew quieter as the excitement she had tried to transmit didn't seem to be well received by the newcomers, who stared at her with not an ounce of glee. Well, except for Leonora, she did seem happy, but was too distracted watching a butterfly.

Sofia rubbed the nape of her neck awkwardly "right, then...how about we start the tour? This way please..."

Boy was this going to be a good morning. The size of the school was clearly not on Sofia's favor


# — a little later than promised, but here's your daily dose of excitement, Alex

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