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The morning had been chill, it had been perfect for a bitter morning coffee before getting ready. He would've taken his time to admire the scenery outside. It had rained, and a light drizzle was still dampening the ground and everything the light touched.

The apartment had been cold that morning, giving him a pleasant greeting for a new day. Hideki had, for once, the ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he sat in the silence first-thing.

But of course, his craving for caffeine was swiftly interrupted by the annoyingly loud ringing of his phone. With a sigh, he picked up the call, hearing Dazai's voice a second later. Just great.

Turns out he had been assigned a last-minute task to infiltrate a school as a teacher. Was this going to be pleasant? Absolutely not. He already had accumulated enough stress back with the minors at the agency, he didn't exactly like the idea of dealing with an excessive amount of problem children.

With a recently ruined morning, he had quickly gotten dressed and rushed out the door, as always at seven a.m sharp. Upon first arriving at the agency for further instructions, he was given a schedule and folder, with the names and pictures of the men to protect. He was also informed that Oura, Ren and Eleonora were also going.

And all of the last events lead us here, as he stood behind a corner, annoyed at the pink color covering the whole building, but keeping watch on a certain white headed woman who he had just come across.

The girl was unsuspecting, exasperatingly whispering to the person on the other line of the call in a foreign language. English. Whereas Hideki wasn't the best at it, he has been able to pick up the slightest of details.

Like how the Guild had randomly showed up to a mission that was none of their business.

As the woman ended the call and regained composure, she began walking directly towards Hideki's location. Now, as she slowly but surely approached, he thought to himself: was it worth it giving up his cover so early in the game? Perhaps it wasn't, but Hideki had a burning urge to question the woman.

She ended up ultimately bumping into him. He didn't react, simply looking down to lock his eyes with her golden ones. The color visibly drained from her face, and Hideki was now certain of who this woman was.

"Why, hello. It seems we meet again, Nicole-San" he smiled slightly, an empty gesture "how about we catch up over a cup of coffee?"


"Is there something you need?" Nicole asked, keeping her expression blank "or did you just invite me for a coffee for the fun of it?"

Hideki shrugged, sipping the coffee he'd been craving slowly and elegantly. How could someone look so good even when performing the most trivial activity? Nicole didn't know, but he sure as hell was good at it.

"Perhaps" he finally replied , setting the cup down onto the table. The two of them were silently eyeing each other like prey as they sat at one of the multiple tables in the cafeteria "can't a man be a gentleman and offer you something to drink?"

Nicole smiled sweetly, almost sickeningly "why, thank you, sir. However, I'm afraid you're wasting my precious time with your useless riddles" the tone in which she spoke did not contrast with her smile at all, which amused Hideki to some extent.

"Okay. I'll cut to the chase" his smile dropped "why is the Guild meddling in our business again?"

Nicole kept a blank expression, seemingly refusing to speak, which made Hideki exasperated "I'll need you to respond, Nicole-San. For the sake of us both and our time"

She looked at him for a few seconds too long before giving in, reluctantly "Francis. I don't know his intentions, and even if I knew I wouldn't tell you"

Hideki narrowed his eyes "understandable, is not like I'm giving you any information regarding our mission I exchange for your words" he tapped his fingers on the table "still, I'm going to ask you to stay out of this"

Nicole Shrugged. She wasn't really interested in whatever it was that the Port Mafia and the ADA were plotting in the first place. Francis had promised her limitless meat and thrice her original salary, so she had accepted. That was the end of the story.

"Fine, as long as you don't somehow find a way to drag me into your mess. As the ADA somehow always manages to do"

Hideki smiled sweetly, something unlike him, so Nicole was well aware there was emptiness behind that pure grin "I can't make promises"

She was unable to protest as he stood up immediately, walking away while throwing his now empty cup of coffee. As soon as he was out of the woman's sight, his expression grew stern, and he took out his phone, dialing Ranpo's number.

"Seems we have a couple of ends loose" he announced as soon as he heard the call had been started.


# — I don't know, I feel like I didn't quite capture their personality correctly. For those who created Hideki and Nicole, what are your opinions? Maybe I can write them better next time.

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