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It seemed like the sunny days weren't about to last as winter approached at a fast pace. The temperature had dropped so suddenly, it startled the civilians. However, the cold was the last thing in Tamaki Suoh's mind.

As he walked down the halls he had known for so many years now, he couldn't bring himself to focus on where he was going, instead, his mind had long drifted back to the events of the past week. Starting from Monday morning, when he went to visit his office and the man looked out of it.

At first, Tamaki had thought of it as nothing but business problems, as he knew how hectic his father's work could get, but when the strange behavior of the older man continued to prolong past the day before, Sunday, he was beginning to worry for his father.

What had made him so preoccupied? Tamaki often caught himself wondering, but no matter how many times he thought about it, he could never come across a plausible answer. The lack of information had made Tamaki frustrated the past week, and it showed in his acting, worrying the hosts and customers at the host club equally. Alas, it wasn't always Tamaki who acted aloof.

Kyoya, unsurprisingly, was the first to notice the change in behavior and, as though he were a mind reader, he could practically feel something was bothering the blond. As much as the ravenette tried to convince himself that he was worried for his longtime friend because it would affect the host club's profit, he still couldn't deny there was some personal level worrying on his part.

And so, after watching Tamaki daze off for what seemed to be the seventeenth time that week, he finally decided to break the ice.

"What is it that's bothering you, Tamaki?" He asked, trying to seem as uninterested as possible, continuing to type away on his laptop.

The blonde was startled at the sudden question, and he stammered to answer before settling on a not convincing "nothing". Kyoya, of course, looked at him with a deadpan look, making Tamaki sigh in defeat.

"Just...family stuff" Tamaki brushed the question off again. Kyoya quieted down immediately after. He knew that the topic regarding Tamaki's family was sensitive, and so he decided not to push further.

And so, the matter was quickly dropped. Partly because of Kyoya's unwillingness to pry into Tamaki's business, and partly because a new set of interesting people arrived out of nowhere to the prestigious school.


"I didn't sign up for this" a black headed boy sighed, squinting his eyes up at the annoyingly pink building ahead. He was wearing the familiar purple uniform that characterized Ouran students, something that made him visibly gag that morning upon first seeing it perched up in his wardrobe.

A giggle was heard next to him, and he was quick to roll his eyes at the painfully obvious mocking that came without any wording "my, you certainly look pissed off, 'Lex"

The "Lex" guy turned towards his somewhat pleasant companion with a scowl, being met with a slender figure standing beside him, the ghost of a grin tugging at their lips. They were wearing the same purple uniform, making them look Kinda funny, as it blended with their already purple hair.

"And you certainly make this experience even more insufferable" he bit back, swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Awe, I make your day worse? You flatter me" the purple headed guy chuckled, tugging the one strand of grey hair in his head behind his ear, revealing quite the various piercings.

"Why exactly were we assigned to kill such an easy target? This is a waste of our talent" Alexandre sighed, his exasperation growing by the second as he and Adonis kept slowly walking towards the enormous building.

"See the bright side of things, at least we aren't cooped up back at the headquarters with nothing interesting to do" Adonis tried to ease his partner's annoyance, to little avail. The thing he got in return? A side-eyed glare that could kill even the strongest of fighters.

Adonis rolled his eyes at the empty attempt at intimidation "is that up what you call an intimidating glare? You only make yourself look constipated" he replied nonchalantly, Throwing Alexandre off, thought the French boy kept quiet and simply looked back ahead.

A comfortable silence settled among them, it could've lasted longer, however, as Adonis once again commented something he was sure was on both their minds "I hear the Armed Detective Agency is on our tail already"

Alexandre tensed up slightly, unable to deny his companion's comment. Why? Because Adonis O'Dell never dropped the childish and mocking tone of his voice unless he came across a serious situation.

Alexandre glanced at him, being met with Adonis' own two eyes bearing into his own. A type of silent agreement seemed to be shared between the two, an agreement outsiders wouldn't be able to decipher. Within a few minutes of staring at each other, they finally broke eye contact and kept walking as though nothing had happened.

"Yeah" Alexandre confirmed as they were let into the school premises.


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