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Arisu was troubled. He had been for the last week, since Tamaki had shown up to the host club in a foul mood. Upon seeing his upperclassman worried sick over something Arisu knew was personal made the other hosts and himself feel a little bad.

With reluctance, he had tried to approach the blond and ask what was wrong, but before he could put his question into words, the stern look he received from his Kyoya dearest was enough for him to simply stay away and allow things to get solved on their own.

Granted, It was no easy task. Especially for him. It wasn't only that Tamaki was worried that made him troubled, but he also couldn't shake off this uneasy feeling that had bubbled up inside his chest since then. He had a hunch that something bad was going to happen, but he couldn't pinpoint what.

Now standing in the doorway of his second-year classroom is when he realized that the unfamiliar student might be part of that storm that was yet to come.

Arisu stared at the seemingly shorter male (at least when sitting) with furrowed eyebrows. His presence had robbed the attention of all the students inside the classroom, it seemed he had gotten there even before the bell rang, giving him time to organize his stationary. One by one, the students had noticed the unknown boy and, out of curiosity, approached him.

Except Arisu, that is.

The brunette looked bored and exasperated at the unwanted attention, trying to shut down the loud voices by reading the book neatly placed upon his desk. A little rude, Arisu thought, but then again, people could get annoying sometimes and wouldn't take the hint any other way.

A few seconds later, he finally came to his senses and realized he'd been starring a few minutes too long once he made eye contact with the newcomer. Okay, he didn't get a good feeling from him, but those green eyes made him forget a bit about that.

Building up his facade, Arisu put on a charming smile, the smile belonging to the famous playboy of Ouran. It barely gave the stranger time to acknowledge Arisu's suspicion, which made the latter mentally pat himself in the back.

He quickly jogged over to this desk — which was coincidentally next to the stranger's — aware of the brunette's eyes on him the whole time. He quickly sat down, his presence being finally noticed by the whole classroom, who quickly changed their focus to him, but he was now too immersed to care for the multiple greetings. Instead, he turned towards the boy.

"Why, hello. You're a new face, what's your name?" Normally, the smile that came with the comment would make the girls of Ouran faint immediately, the new student was another case, however.

The boy's annoyed face contorted into one of pure exasperation. Arisu was taken aback, but didn't let it show as he tilted his head to the side. Boy was this new student hard to crack "what is it with the face? I only asked your name"

The boy stared at Arisu for a few more seconds than neeed before finally regaining composure and looking at him with half lidded eyes as to show his boredom "Dazai Oura. Pleasure to meet you"

Arisu giggled quietly, amused by the boy's moody personality (according what to he had observed so far) "I don't know about 'pleasure' but, nice to meet you, Dazai-San. I'm Kamiya Arisu. I hope we can get along"

The student, who's name was now revealed to be "Oura", gave Arisu a curt nod before turning back to his oh so beloved book.

And that was it.

No other word was exchanged between the two males as the home room teacher finally made an appearance. However, there was just the tiniest of details that had been slightly changed.

Like, one that's worth mentioning,

their teacher was a complete stranger as well.

The students (excluding Oura) scanned the unfamiliar teacher with confusion visible  in their eyes. The woman was the complete opposite of their last teacher, who was petite and old.

This woman was somewhat tall and slender, maybe in her mid twenties. Her hair was as white as snow (something that made them wonder if it was dyed, as it went against scientific beliefs). Her face was blank as she quietly placed multiple folders and stray papers upon the desk.

The class was dead silent as she finally looked up and scanned them all with her piercing golden eyes, sending shivers running down the spines of quite a few. It is worth mentioning that so did her voice, which was soft, yet had a scary undertone to it.

"Hello" she greeted in broken Japanese "I am Griffiths Nicole. Please call me Nicole-sensei. I will be your new home room teacher for the rest of the year, or as long as the school has me hired. Until then, I hope we can get along"

The students all said their hellos as she asked each of their names individually. Everything had gone smoothly, until her eyes fixated on Oura, and a glint of recognition shone in them.

The feeling might've gone unnoticed by the class, but it certainly didn't by Arisu and the brunette, who tensed up at the peculiar look the teacher was giving him. Arisu looked between the new faces that seemed to be having an staring contest with suspicion. The now familiar uneasy feeling making itself noticed in his chest once again.

"What's your name, kid?" The woman asked Oura, who seemed reluctant to answer.

The brunette didn't dare look away from the woman's eyes, knowing fairly well it would only arise her suspicion by looking nervous, instead he gripped his pencil tighter.


Nicole looked at him even more intensely "and your last name"

Arisu quietly watched from the side as the once slow movement of Oura's chest rising and falling progressively got quicker. With a low tone, however, he finally replied, looking at the teacher with something Arisu was afraid he couldn't decipher.



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