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The day had transcurred without much inconvenience, even if the November air had dropped lower as hours passed by. The students had luckily foreseed this and brought their own scarfs, gloves and even coats to shield themselves from the freezing weather before December.

Well, most of them had.

Eleonora Vargas had been sitting out in the cold for a solid ten minutes. She'd gotten dragged outside by Oura the moment class was dismissed and they were allowed out on the gardens under the pretext that the latter - and I quote - "needed to take  a breather".

Dismissing the strangely colloquial language he'd used as nothing more than tiredness, she let herself be dragged, unknowing of what was waiting for her just outside the pink walls of the academy. Upon exiting the building, she had been immediately hit by a wave of chilly air that made goosebumps run down her spine, yet even then she didn't resist and let herself be dragged to the very center of the main garden, sitting by the fountain.

A somewhat awkward silence had settled since then. She had tried to break it multiple times, searching for a distraction that would take her mind away from the painfully obvious cold prickling at her pale skin. Of course, her attempts had been nothing but futile, as Oura limited himself to keep reading his book.

At first, she was convinced he was oblivious to her internal suffering, though it became awfully clear that that was not the case. Instead, it dawned on her that her fellow detective was opting to ignore her, and had acknowledged her aggressive shaking before long.

She glanced at him with nothing but betrayal contrasting her features, ready to curse him out in Italian if the fact that he'd already discovered what her foul language ment weren't the case. Instead, she gritted her teeth together in a poor attempt not to stutter as she talked and asked him "are you doing this because I invalidated your opinion on that culinary crime that's called Pineapple Pizza?"

It may have been a naive and childish reason to keep her planted outside in the November weather, it most definitely wasn't something Oura would do as revenge - it would be worse, even - but Eleonora could never be sure.

Oura sighed quietly and snapped his book closed, glaring daggers at her as he spoke in his own defence "do you really think I am that shallow?" The vague response he received from Eleonora was a half-assed shrug that in a different circumstance would make it look as though she were having a convulsion.

"You know, for that I feel like staying out here longer" Oura said nonchalantly, turning back to his book before he could catch the expression Eleonora threw at him - a mix of despair, shock and betrayal; something that had certainly become normal in the short span of five minutes.

With no space to bicker, Eleonora grumbled and wrapped her arms around herself, trying to embrace the little warmth that was left within her body before she became a borderline ice cube. As expected, it didn't work as well as she had pictured it would. To accompany it, she also mumbled a string of incoherent curses directed at Oura in italian. 

"oh come onnnn" She spoke up, swallowing her pride to admit to having the shortest cold tolerance. She glanced at Oura with resentment through the corners of her eyes before she continued "could we go back inside? I am freezing!"

Oura really wanted to stay outside for a longer period of time, not because he enjoyed Eleonora's suffering, but because he had busied himself with memorizing any possible escape routes and spying spots that he might've missed during the first school tour with that girl - Sofia, was it? - they had taken that early morning.

He knew he had pushed the gir's nonexistent patience far enough, so he decided to cave in. Partly because she would probably become obnoxiously loud within the next ten minutes of waiting, and partly because she was Ren's favorite kid - something he was still trying to comprehend - and would never hear the end of it if he were the reason his fellow seventeen-year-old freezes to death.

With a contemplating sigh, he gingerly nodded and stood up, stretching his back as she immediately jumped up from the stone edge lining the circular border of the fountain. He grimaced at her recovered energy with a newfound sense of dread. This would be a rather exhausting day.


It wasn't particularly their idea to end up studying in the music room on the second floor. It had all started when they were allowed out for a research assignment due the next day and - even if Oura wasn't really in need of academic success - they had begun looking for a room to peacefully complete their work on time.

But of course, such a task seemed to be quite the hardship in a school for rich brats with too much freetime and gossip to share.

They had spent approximately fifteen minutes of their precious time looking for a place quiet enough to begin, being met with nothing but squealing teenagers and loud chattering. Not to mention the people that still didn't seem to get the memo that class was temporarily dismissed and still lingered inside the classrooms.

In the end, their feet had taken them to the one room they were yet to explore, a sign that was surprisingly painted black and gold instead of the obnoxious pink - hovered next to the door, displaying the words "music room" and the number three.

What had possessed them to think that a music room of all places would be quiet was still beyond them, but desperate times require desperate solutions. Already tired from scouting out a suitable space, they hastily opened the pink twin doors.

And of course, chaos ensued.

Any possible visualization of what they would be met with upon setting foot inside was immediately shattered by a rain of colorful flower petals. Oura could've sworn that he'd heard someone playing angelic music from behind them for ambiance. At this point, nothing was surprising.

As the petal cleared, the music ceased and the second-years got a clear view of what was beyond the door frame. And of course, they found themselves staring at a group of eight handsome young boys and - much to their surprise - Sofia, their school guide.

Oura felt dread seeping in as he grimaced at an approaching Tamaki Suoh, who had an annoyingly princely smile.

The younger Dazai wasn't stupid. He'd been aware of Tamaki's and Arisu's burning stares all throughout the day. He didn't actually anticipate a close interaction with them, and certainly wasn't looking forward to it. It was as clear as day the blond had a request. Whatever it was, Oura was set on refusing.

keyword: was. All determination faltered as a different pair of arms snaked around his shoulders to give him an affectionate - and mildly suffocating - side hug. He looked up, his gaze inquiring, as he searched for the face to which the arms belonged.

He was met with an outrageously tall ginger looking back at him with a fond smile. I didn't help his disappointment with his height that the boy appeared to be younger than him.

"Can I help you?" he questioned, making no effort to mask his annoyance. The other seemed unbothered.

"Well, isn't this a surprise? I didn't expect any male customers today" he acknowledged, arms tightening around the brunette's shoulders.'' Nice to meet you, senpai. The name's  Kaoru Hitachiin"

Oura was genuinely worried about himself as he found his will to resist slowly fading. Perhaps it was the boy's endearing smile or warm eyes that drew him in, in any case he wouldn't elaborate on his willingness to introduce himself to his new acquaintance.

His gaze softened a considerable amount "nice to meet you er...Kaoru '' he saluted awkwardly, still painfully aware of his lingering hug on his shoulders "I am Oura Dazai"



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