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Ren Hayami wasn't particularly fond of schools. Especially those for spoiled brats that were painted with an obnoxious pink hue. Sure, as they stared at the fountain in the very middle of the garden, perhaps morning walks before their first class would be satisfying, but once inside the building, all that satisfaction was sure to melt into dread.

They'd tried to see the positive side of this mission they had been assigned. Unfortunately, there was no such thing as a "positive side" to their current situation. They'd have to act as a freaking teacher for who knows how long, and the uncertainty of how the problem children would be was mind draining.

Nevertheless, orders were orders, and so they found themself walking through the halls if Ouran, a little lost as they tried to find the classroom in which their first class of the day would take place. Their steps echoed throughout the halls in a never ending and continuous rhythm.

They came to an abrupt stop and sighed, checking their clipboard again, where the secretary had written down the supposedly "correct" directions to the room they were searching. The building resembled a labyrinth, in Ren's opinion, and it exasperated them beyond belief.

Before long, however, they tried to regain their patience and began walking the opposite way, not entirely convinced that they were following the correct path. As they turned a corner, the incoherent sound of voices reached their ears, and eventually, the found themselves in front of a group that appeared to be students.

In between them were two faces they recognized. However, the other four were those of complete strangers.

Ren felt a sligh feeling of uneasiness nag at the back of their mind, but they quickly brushed it off. They would have plenty time to worry about that later. Their brown eyes locked with green ones, those belonging to none other than Oura, Dazai's brother. Ren found the boy a lot less obnoxious than his older brother, but the lack of motivation to do things the boy possessed annoyed Ren to an extent.

The petite girl who seemed to have been guiding the group stopped abruptly in front of Ren, immediately recognizing the teacher's uniform, however not the face that came with it.

"Oh, good morning...sensei?" Sofia greeted, uncertain "I haven't seen you before. Do you need assistance? Pardon my audacity but you appear a little lost. This is the middle school section of the academy"

Ah, so that's why they couldn't seem to find the right classroom.

Ren smiled softly "yes, if isn't much inconvenience, could you tell me where class 1-A of the high school is?"

Sofia beamed "why of course! That happens to be my classroom. We were about to finish the tour anyway, so you might as well accompany us the rest of the way"

Ren was grateful for whatever angel this girl was that so kindly offered to help. They motioned forward with their hand, inviting the students to keep walking while they stayed in the back of the group.

The walk to the high school was quiet, well, Ren was wordlessly walking behind them as Sofia showed them around. Eleonora Vargas constantly asked questions, ranging from trivial ones like "do you like pineapple in pizza?" To somewhat important such as "so how old is this school anyway?". The other students simply weren't paying as much attention, limiting themselves to quietly looking around and talking to each other in murmurs.

Eventually, however, their awkward trip to the correct building came to an ending, and each student parted ways. The three unfamiliar faces all began making their way to a certain classroom together, as they had been spassigned the same class, whereas Eleonora and Oura simply walked away, the former chatting the boy's ears off. And finally, Ren was left with Sofia.

"So, if you will follow me this way, sensei" Sofia smiled, guiding her new teacher towards a classroom barely a few feet away. "That reminds me, I still haven't properly introduced myself. I am Rubio Sofia. It is very nice to meet you"

Ren kept quiet for a second. They hadn't been told if they should use a code name for this mission. Or simply give their birth name away. In any case, they were lacking caffeine and energy, and couldn't be bothered debating over something so unimportant.

"Hayami Ren. Substitute teacher for first, second and third years" they finally responded, to which Sofia nodded in acknowledgement.

"Well, this is the 1-A classroom. If you ever need help, don't think twice about asking me fr assistance" Sofia said. Ren, however, was sure they would never ask the girl for her help again, as it would be highly unprofessional of them, and because they were stubborn like that.

With a final bow, Sofia swung the door to the classroom open, quickly running over to three guys, two of them twins, one of them a little short and with brown hair. Ren took a few seconds to organize their uniform before swiftly walking in the classroom, cutting off the chatter of the students.


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