Chapter 12

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"It's all your fault! Now I can't go back to my floral shop!"

"I told you I'm sorry, right?" Taehyung sighed, pulling the sulking boy to his embrace, landing a peck on his lips, "You can follow to me my company. I'm free today, just need to record another MV scene."

"But I want my flowers..." Jungkook stared at Taehyung with his glossy eyes, "I want Rosie..."

"I know I know. That's why I already bought different kinds of flowers. All of them were put in my waiting room. If you follow me to my company, you can take care of them!"

Jungkook's eyes lit up instantly, "Then let's go, hyungie!"


"It's been long since I opened a live, right?" Taehyung asked, gaze fixed on the camera.

Comments immediately flooded in the comment box. Most of them are 'Taehyung oppa I missed you, we love you and also, Are you really married, Taehyung oppa?"

"Yes I am." Taehyung replied to the comment, "You guys will see him later. He's in the wash room now."

"I can't wait to see him!"

"Well why did you marry a man?"

"I don't like it when you're married!"

Taehyung ignored all of the negative comments. His lips curved up, forming a smile when he saw Jungkook walking towards him, with a sudoku book on his hands.

"Hyungie!" Jungkook excitedly sat on Taehyung's lap, "See! The staff hyungie gave me this book! He said he afraid I might get bored when you're shooting."

"Oh really-" "And also, you didn't buy Rosie for me!" Jungkook cutely huffed.

"I forgot-" "Don't you dare to say you forgot! You know I love Rosie!"

Taehyung chuckled. He wants to tell Jungkook he's on live but the boy seems too occupied with complaining and rambling, "Is Rosie that important?"

Jungkook widen his eyes like he just heard the biggest joke in the world, "Of course it is!"

"But it's just a flower!" Taehyung stated, earning a glare from the boy.

"Then what about you? You're just a man, why should I spend time with you?" Jungkook sassed, made the singer went speechless.

"You love me-" "Well I love Rosie too! I don't care, you need to buy Rosie for me tomorrow! Or else I won't sleep with you tonight!" Jungkook turned around with his back facing Taehyung. He opened the sudoku book and started doing it.

The singer just smiled at the boy's cuteness while the comment box was about filled with millions of comments.

"Can someone tell us who is Rosie?"

"I don't know why but I started loving that boy..."

"He's so sassy and cute! No wonder Taehyung oppa married him!"

"No baby, you shouldn't put 3 here. You got another 3 in this row right?" Taehyung pointed out, getting a cute scowl from Jungkook.

"I want to do it myself hyungie!" Jungkook said, again writing numbers on the blank spaces, soon getting frustrated by it.

He slammed the book on the table in front of them, "I won't do sudoku anymore! Sudoku is a meanie!"

Taehyung shook his head in defeat, "Why not you just blame your dumbness, bun?"

Jungkook shoots daggers at Taehyung's direction, "I'm not dumb!"

"You are, baby. See, you never finished a sudoku without a mistake."


"You never finished a crossword puzzle without peeking the answer."


"You never able to tie a neck tie without my help. Besides from dumb, what else are you?" Taehyung asked teasingly, soon got panicked when he saw tears in Jungkook's eyes.

"Baby-" "You're a m-meanie..." A tear slipped out from Jungkook's eye, "I'll tell Jinnie hyungie about it!"

"Wait please don't tell Jin hyung-" "It's too late, meanie! I'll call him now!" Jungkook took out his phone from his pocket, but got snatched away by Taehyung.

"Jin hyung will sure scold me for 3 hours straight, baby! Please don't torture your husband like that!" Taehyung pleaded, hiding Jungkook's phone behind him.

"You're mean to me first! Jinnie hyungie already warn you you can't call me dumb! I'll definitely tell him! Give me back my phone," Jungkook's lips puckered up, froming a pout, "Hyungie!"

"Forgive me, baby." Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, "Please..."

"Hmph!" Jungkook huffed, "No can do!"

"Baby~" Taehyung whined, started placing kisses on Jungkook's face, "I know you love me~"

"That doesn't mean I'll forgive you!"

They argued with each other, totally forgot they're on live. What can we say? Both of them are dummy after all.

 What can we say? Both of them are dummy after all

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