Chapter 20

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"What happened to my husband, doctor?" Taehyung asked eagerly as soon as he saw the doctor walked out from Jungkook's room.

The doctor sighed, looking at Taehyung then grandma Kim, "Want to hear the good news or bad news?"

"Good news?" Taehyung replied.

"Mr Kim-Jeon Jungkook is one month pregnant." The doctor, making Taehyung and grandma Kim smiled genuinely.

Soon their smile fell, "Then what about the bad news?"

"Jeon Jungkook almost went through miscarriage just now. His blood type is rare, I'm sure Mr Kim knew about that right?" The doctor asked, getting a nod from Taehyung.

"Plus, I can see Jeon Jungkook doesn't possess a healthy body. So the risk of Jungkook miscarriage is higher than other people. Though the baby and Jungkook is fine now, but I can't ensure what will happen in the future. If one day Jungkook miscarriage, his life will be in danger too as his blood type is rare. He will surely die in the loss of blood." The doctor stated, "So you have to make a decision, whether to keep the baby or abort it. What do you say?"

"Abort it." Taehyung said without single hesitation, earning a gasp from Grandma Kim.

"Really?! Are you sure about it?!" She asked, gripping Taehyung's wrist with her hands.

"Abort it!" Taehyung gritted his teeth, hands clenched, forming a fist.

"No you can't-" "That baby is mine! I can decide whatever I want!"

"The baby is yours, and it's Jungkook's too!" Grandma Kim yelled, "It's just a baby. It's a life, too..."

"It will kill my Jungkook!" Taehyung gritted out every word with hatret in his eyes, "Jungkook will die, grandma! I can have another baby, but I can't have another Jungkook!"

"But-" "I think it's enough, Mr Kim and Mrs Kim." The doctor decided to speak up before they argue again, "You can discuss this matter when you guys got home. Please stay quiet in the hospital. And also, about aborting the baby, we need Mr Jeon's consent too. You guys can go inside see him now. He shall be awake."

"Thank you, doctor." Taehyung said monotonously, walking away.

Grandma Kim bowed to the doctor, following Taehyung. She sighed, "What should I do to the stubborn child?"


"What happened to me, hyungie?" Jungkook asked, mouth filled with food as he munched them.

"How are you feeling right now?" Taehyung asked, ignoring Jungkook's question.

"Hyungie..." Jungkook muttered, "You ignored my question. What actually happened to me?"

Taehyung pursed his lips, averting his gaze, didn't say anything. Jungkook's gaze landed on grandma Kim, "Grandma, can you tell me what happened?"

Grandma was about to speak but Taehyung cuts her off, "Finish your food first." Taehyung said sternly, making the boy pouted.

"I won't eat it unless you tell me what happened!" Jungkook puffed his cheeks out, crossing his amrs over his chest.

"Kim Jungkook, stay obedient before I get mad." Taehyung warned.

Jungkook was far more stubborn than Taehyung thought. "Tell me what happened!"

"That's it!" Taehyung closed the lunchbox shut, getting up as he throw the food inside the trash can, "If you don't want to eat, then don't eat!" (Please don't waste food like Taehyung did 🥺) he said, walking out of the room.

Jungkook flinched when the door slammed shuts, tears brimmed in his eyes, "G-Grandma..." He stared at Grandma Kim, making the old woman sighed.

"Don't blame Taehyung for acting like that, baby. He's stressed..." She caressed Jungkook's hair, "You want to know what happened to you right?"

Jungkook nodded his head furiously.

"You're pregnant, sweetie..."

Jungkook's eyes lit up, "Really? Then why hyungie isn't happy at all? He doesn't like it?" He fiddled his fingers, mumbling softly.

"Of course he's happy! Just..." She sighed, "The doctor said you're not suitable to have a baby. Your life will be on risk if you want this baby. Taehyung insist to abort it, what do you think?"

"Abort?!" Jungkook backed away, hugging his stomach protectively, "Please don't abort it!"

"But it'll kill you-" "No... Please... Hyungie said he loves baby!"

"Yes, Taehyung loves baby but he loves you more, kookie. Your life will on risk if you keep this baby. It's better for you to abort it- Wait Jungkook!" Jungkook got down from the bed, running out of the room, totally caught Grandma Kim off guard.

She rushed out of the room, Jungkook couldn't be seen anymore. Panicked, she yelled, "Doctor! Please help!"

Jungkook: Please don't take my baby away... 🥺🥺


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