Chapter 17 (M)

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Jungkook hummed, stirring a pot of hot soup that he make with a ladle. He swayed his hips from left to right, yelping loudly when someone back hugged him.

He turned over, breathing in relief when he saw Taehyung, "Kim Taehyung! You startled me! Can't you greet me before hugging me?!"

"Only I will back hug you, baby. You know that don't you?" Taehyung asked with his deep voice, placing his chin on Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook huffed, "Still..." He stirred the soup, "You startled me!"

"Well I'm sorry then!" Taehyung chuckled. His hand moved up and down on Jungkook's waist, another hand began to head towards the most vulnerable part of the boy.

Jungkook yelped again when Taehyung grabbed his ass cheeks, kneading the soft flesh softly. His face flushed in embarrassment as he felt something poking his ass. "Gosh, don't tell me you're horny?"

"How can I not when you wore my white thin dress shirt, swaying your hips with an extremely innocent expression on your face?" Taehyung whispered, biting Jungkook's pink earlobe with his teeth.

Jungkook tried to escaped from Taehyung's dead hold, "Let go, bastard! I still need to cook!" He wiggled his whole body, getting a growl in return.

"Stop moving, baby."

Jungkook stopped, eyes widening when he felt little (?) Taehyung getting bigger, still poking his ass. Collecting his senses back, Jungkook continue wiggle, making Taehyung tighten his hold on his waist.

"I told you don't move right?" Taehyung gritted out, slapping Jungkook's ass with his large hand. He took off Jungkook's boxer and his own when Jungkook still in daze, began rubbing his fingers against the tight pink hole of the boy.

"B-Bastard..." Jungkook cried out when Taehyung shoved one finger inside his hole, soon added one more finger.

"No cursing during sex, remember?" Taehyung whispered, ghosting his lips from Jungkook's ear to his unmarked neck, biting and sucking the milky white surface with his teeth, leaving red, purple marks.

"Already so wet, huh?" Taehyung teased, slipping his fingers out of Jungkook's hole, earning a cute scowl from the boy.

"Asshole-" Jungkook screamed out when Taehyung shoved his dick inside his still toght hole. He bend down, using his elbow to support his whole weight. Tears slipped out of his eyes when Taehyung thrust deeper.

His knees buckled, could no longer stand if Taehyung didn't hold his waist. Taehyung thrust harder, making the boy cried out in both pleasure and pain.

Jungkook's lips puckered up, tears brimmed in his eyes, like a newborn kitten who got bully by a certain tiger, "I-I cooked for you... I-In r-return you fuck me... I-Its unfair-Ahh..." He moaned when Taehyung hits a certain sweet spot inside him.

"Is it really unfair?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head innocently while he continue thrust into Jungkook, "I see that you're enjoying, Mr Kim-Jeon Jungkook."

"I-I'm not-" Jungkook whimpered when Taehyung started thrusting in an inhuman speed, "S-Slow down..."

"What if I don't want?"

"B-Bastard-" Taehyung buried his head in the crook of Jungkook's neck, biting a certain spot with his teeth hardly, earning a loud scream from Jungkook.

"I told you no cursing."

Jungkook cried more furiously, lips still pouty, "Y-You... Please S-Slow down..."

"Sure. In one condition, call me daddy and I'll maybe slow down a bit."

"D-Daddy hubby o-oppa... Please S-Slow down..." Jungkook listed out every nickname that Taehyung likes, hoping the male could really slow down.

But Taehyung didn't slow down at all. As expected.

Taehyung hold Jungkook's waist, probably bruised the milky white surface later but no one cares for it right now. He growled, again increased the speed of his thrust.

"Y-You lied to me... Y-You said you'll s-slow down..." Jungkook uttered difficultly, hot tears flowed down from his eyes.

"I did say maybe didn't I?" Taehyung asked, "Fuck, I'm close." He cursed, pounding into Jungkook faster and deeper.

Jungkook whimpered out as he could felt Taehyung getting bigger inside him. Not for long, Taehyung released a huge amount of seeds inside him.

The singer pulled out his dick from Jungkook's abused hole, arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist as he support the male.

"Are you okay, my wife?" Taehyung asked, panting slightly.

Jungkook inhaled deeply, glaring Taehyung with his red eyes, "Maybe you should try to have someone shove their dick inside your hole! Then I'll ask you if you're okay! You'll surely reply not!"

Taehyung chuckled, "I'm sorry then. Let's clean up ourselves!" He hoisted the sulking boy up, "Second round in the bathroom, shall we?"

 Let's clean up ourselves!" He hoisted the sulking boy up, "Second round in the bathroom, shall we?"

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Damn that thin waist of Jungkookie 🥺🥺

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