Chapter 26

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1 year later...


Jungkook ignored the oversized whining Kim Taehyung as he smiled, pouring food inside Taekookie's bowl, "Taekookie~ Time to eat~"

The puppy jumped up and down excitedly, barking in process. Jungkook just smiled at the sight, "You're so cute!"

"Baby~ Don't ignore me!" Taehyung whined even louder, making Jungkook rolled his eyes. He walked passed Taehyung, only get dragged back to Taehyung's embrace.

"Let go before I punch you, Kim Taehyung." Jungkook warned, shooting daggers at Taehyung.

"You wouldn't dare baby." Taehyung teasingly said. Jungkook raised his eyebrows, "Oh really?"

Taehyung yelped, grunting when Jungkook punched his stomach, "Damn! You really punched me?!"

"I told you I will." Jungkook huffed, again walking away.

"Baby!" Taehyung quickly followed the boy, "What's up with this attitude?"

"Why don't you ask yourself?!" Jungkook turned over, eyes turning teary, "It's not the first time you killed my rosie!"

"Gosh, what's with your mood swings?" Taehyung wiped Jungkook's tears off, "Alright, don't cry now. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't see it, that's why I stepped on it."

"She's the prettiest rosie I have among the one I planted!" Jungkook muttered, lips turning pouty.

"I'll... Buy you a new one?" Taehyung asked, smiling sheepishly.

"You better be!" Jungkook huffed, a pout decorated on his face.

Taehyung was trying his best not to laugh at his cuteness. Soon his smile fall when he noticed a distaste look on Jungkook's face.

"What's wrong, baby?" Taehyung asked, quickly bring the boy closer to his chest.

"D-Dizzy..." The boy replied, face turning pale and he suddenly lost conscious.



"What's wrong with him, doctor? He suddenly lost conscious-" "Calm down first, Mr Kim. Mr Jungkook is awake now. Oh there he is!"

Taehyung turned over, breathing in relief when he saw his husband, "Thank god you're okay." He hugged the boy.

"What's wrong with me?" Jungkook asked softly, staring at Taehyung then to the doctor.

"Well, please take a seat first." The doctor smiled, gesture the couple to sit down.

"So what's the problem? I'm getting impatient right now." Taehyung asked eagerly, making the doctor chuckle.

"I got two good news. Want to hear?"

"Yes!" The couple replied in unison.

"First good news is, Jungkook's health condition is getting better. Or should I said, he already possessed a healthy body!"

"Really?!" Taehyung smiled widely, "Did you hear that, baby?"

Jungkook nodded his head, giggling cutely, "Of course I heard it. But... Why did I faint?"

"That's another good news." The doctor smiled, "Mr Kim-Jeon is pregnant."

Taehyung's eyes widen in shock, along with Jungkook, "R-Really?"

"Yes." The doctor said, "And this time, you are suggested to keep the baby."

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