John B's POV
I say "I'm not gonna fight with you, let me help you" giving him the look. He's making zero eye contact today and I say "you're bleeding a lot, it's why you're dizzy, take it off" and he takes his shirt off. I say "hands" showing him my hands and he nods and I sit down, my hip against his on the couch. I quietly say "what did he do this time?" JJ mumbles "he pulled a knife and I kind of got some of it, that was this morning than last night he wouldn't stop" through his tears. I say "just breathe, tough guy" as I clean wounds as quick as I can. I haven't thought about the kiss since it happened until now. I mumble "you aren't going back there" and JJ says "I live there, John B" and I say "and my uncle lives here and I haven't seen him for three months, so? Your dads not gonna hunt you down, too drunk" quietly as I basically give him a bath in hydrogen peroxide. He says "fucking shit! Ok, two days" and I say "this one, I'm gonna have to do on its own and its gonna hurt, you ready?" He sits up and says "I think so" and I move away from him just enough to get more access to his thigh. He says "I want to be high right now" and I say "be what you want" quietly and he lights a joint and I say "are you ready?" JJ nods and Pope says "that looks terrible" and JJ says "glad you think so, Pope" and I mumble "one, two, three, Jay" as I clean it and he says "holy shit." JJ grips my wrist and I wipe everything away and I say "ok, not bad, look at that" and JJ says "oh yeah" and I chuckle saying "you over react to hydrogen peroxide." He says "it kinda hurt" doing shifty eyes with his bottom lip stuck out and I say "piss off" chuckling. I mumble "ok, tough guy, you're all good." Matt says "what do you guys wanna do today? What I there to do, we've ran out of things?" I say "have you been surfing yet?" They shake their heads and JJ says "have you ever been surfing?" Matt says "not at all" and JJ says "how do you live? We'll go tonight cause I don't think I can move like that right now." Matt says "how are we gonna get boards?" JJ says "I have a few laying around, we'll wax them, get them fixed up then we'll take them out." I say "how are you not hungover?" He says "I'm not a lightweight but it still gets me drunk, you know this" yawning and JJ says "we have things to do today, lets go." Kiara says "where's Sarah?" I say "probably had to go home" and JJ gets up putting his unbuttoned shirt on by itself cause his other shirt has quite the blood stains on it. I say "you ok?" JJ gives me a thumbs up and I say "lets do this then" and we walk to the shop that JJ works on his board and other stuff out of. As we walk, a couple girls are walking toward us, they aren't from around here cause they look like kooks but don't glare at us. JJ says "ladies" smirking and the girls smile, waving, and one of them blushes. One of the girls say "what are you doing later?" JJ says "surfing down at the beach later tonight, come down and join" as they walk by each other and she says "free country, maybe I will maybe I won't, I've been told I'm pretty good." He says "were a good match then, see you around" and Matt says "did he just get a girlfriend, JJ?" JJ says "maybe" and he mumbles "no, just trying to find someone better than me" bumping into me on purpose. I chuckle saying "so cocky" rolling my eyes and when we get there JJ says "welcome to surf emporium." We all pass beers around and JJ starts his process of waxing his board saying "we have a few boards laying around, they all have to be waxed, you wanna start one?" Matt says "why wax boards?" JJ says "wax keeps you from falling" as he gets into his groove of waxing his board and Pope says "you're waxing very insufficiently." JJ says "you're the reason I'd become a murderer" and Pope says "you are waxing insufficiently though" and JJ says "do you wanna do it?" Pope says "no" and JJ says "then shut the fuck up, Jesus Christ" shaking his head. He says "sorry if y'all are religious" and our new friends shake their heads and JJ says "whats the mainland like?" Matt says "boring but a lot more to do" and I say "well have to make a trip there at some point" and Kiara says "a graduation gift to ourselves." Pope says "if we all graduate" looking at JJ and JJ says "I passed" and Pope says "I'm surprised you made it through second grade" and JJ says "me too, that shit was hard" us laughing. Claire goes over to the other side of his board saying "so, how do you do this anyway?" JJ says "you take the bar and you can either do small circles or you can do 'x' then a top coat, circles like this" showing her how to do it and she says "can I try?" JJ says "sure" handing the bar over and she tries it and JJ says "smaller circles, sweetheart." She keeps going and JJ says "thats awesome" nodding and she says "hands starting to cramp" handing it back and we laugh. JJ says "it took me a full day to finish my board the first time, you get used to the repeated motion when you're doing this stuff. Promise, we have a record time, what was that again?" I say "our record time of doing the full process is probably ten minutes" and JJ says "it gets better, your hands and arms don't cramp after doing it for a year" shrugging. Claire says "is this what you guys do all the time?" I say "surf, try to keep JJ out of trouble, try to remember where Sarah is, ya know, thats the daily thing." Matt says "how much trouble does he get in?" I chuckle saying "you'll see" and JJ says "rude" and I say "but its true" and JJ looks at me and I give him the look and he says "true" us laughing.

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