John B's POV
JJ straddles my thigh, facing me, making sure I can still see. He wraps his arms around my neck saying "what're you gonna do, John B?" He kisses my cheek saying "hm?" I say "Jay, what do you want, angel?" He mumbles "I want you" against my neck and I mumble "you and your high sex drive" kissing his cheek. He mumbles "I need to fix that" and I say "no, you don't, you're fine" kissing his cheek. JJ says "I don't get how people wear this shit all the time" and I say "cause it makes them look hot" and he says "what about me?" I say "don't play pick me, you're always hot" pulling him to my side. I say "change your clothes unless you wanna strip for our friends, love" rubbing his lower back and we switch boats then we go to Kiaras. I say "those pants make your ass look really good though, angel" and he stands next to me saying "thanks" smiling. He changes and when we get to her house he mumbles "screw shirts" just not putting one on. He stands next to me as I drive, putting his hand in my back pocket. I rest my hand on his hip saying "I love you" and he says "I love you too" shyly and I say "are you blushing?" He says "shut up" and I say "you were" and he says "was not" and the girls get on the boat in shorts and crop tops and Kiara turns the speaker on and plays music quietly and I say "everyone here?" Sarah says "yes, John B!" They cheer and I chuckle saying "alright, lets party" and JJ says "I'm ready to party" and he goes out to the rest of them. They pass around beers then I stop when we get to a good swimming spot with no jellyfish and the water isn't ice cold this time of night. JJ says "coming to party, John B?" I say "maybe" taking his beer from him and taking a sip from it. I say "to us?" JJ mumbles "to us" and Sarah says "to us" and JJ opens another beer with his teeth then taking a sip. I sit down and Sarah says "did JJ just casually give up a beer? I thought I'd never live to see the day" and JJ says "shut up" and I say "getting away with murder over here" smirking. We chuckle and Pope says "more like a massacre" and I say "so, multiple murders?" We laugh and JJ says "I'm about to get absolutely hammered" and I say "you better be able to walk cause I'm not carrying you anywhere" and he says "you would but I can walk, you see my legs? They work very well ya know, JB" and I mumble "yes, I know, Jay" chuckling. Sarah says "if were gonna have a real party, we should play a game" and I say "what kind of game, Sarah?" The girls look at each other and laugh then Kiara says "truth or dare?" Sarah nods and Pope says "fine, lets do it" and I say "if you back out, you drink" and JJ says "ok, lets do it, who's first?" Sarah says "truth or dare, Ki?" Kiara says "truth, I'm not drunk enough to pick dare yet." We chuckle and Sarah says "who's your crush?" Kiara says "not drunk enough for that one, cheers" taking a drink of her beer. We laugh and JJ says "wait a couple hours then you'll get it outta her, sweetheart" and Kiara says "I'm not saying shit" and I laugh saying "you will be, Ki" sipping my beer. JJ lights a joint and Kiara says "truth or dare, John B?" I finish my beer saying "truth, give me a second one" and JJ says "pussy" coughing and I mumble "nothings happening later if you don't shut your mouth" and he says "shame, JB. Didn't think you'd threaten me like that" and I say "just so harsh, huh?" He says "very harsh, John B" sipping his beer and they hand me a second beer and Kiara says "who's your crush, John B?" I say "I don't have one, cheers" and Pope says "I call bullshit and they all nod and I say "alright, if were gonna play this game, define crush." JJ mumbles "are we not mutual?" I mumble "were mutual, shut up" giving him the look and he smiles at me. Kiara says "someone you love" dreamily, falling onto Sarah's lap and they giggle. I say "fine, something like that" smirking and the girls giggle. It's not like its a well kept secret between JJ and I but they also think we just kissed once. This is just amusing. I say "truth or dare, Pope?" Pope says "dare" and I say "jump in the water, clothes on" and he says "I don't want to" and takes a swig of beer and we chuckle. I say "come on, Pope, it can't be that cold, I'll even push you" and we laugh and he says "no way, bro" chuckling and shaking his head. JJ leans his head on my shoulder, taking a hit of is joint then taking a swig of his beer, and Pope says "truth or dare, JJ?" JJ says "dare, lets go, buddy" and we chuckle and Pope smirks saying "kiss John B" and JJ says "I don't like that one" and I say "excuse me?" JJ says "yeah, I don't know" and Sarah says "I ship, come on please?" JJ mumbles "don't just to spite them?" I nod and we laugh and he says "time to drink, ask me when this beer and or the joint is gone" taking a swig of beer. He rests his head on my shoulder and says "truth or dare, JB?" I say "dare" and he says "I can't think of one, I dare you to tell me what you think of me." I say "right here right now?" He says "right here right now" and I smirk saying "truth or dare, JJ" and he says "against the rules, I know where this is going" and Sarah says "truth or dare, JJ!"

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