John B's POV
We hang out until around sunset and I feel major tension between us. JJ sits up, quietly saying "do you have any idea how you make me feel?" He looks from my eyes to my lips and I kiss him. His hands immediately go to my hair and I feel the tension melt away. He pulls my hair lightly, moving closer to me, and I keep kissing him. JJ mumbles "you're beautiful, should we take this inside?" I mumble "thats a bit fast for me and you set up a surf date with a group of girls, hot shot." He says "you're right, we should get going, hm?" I mumble "few more minutes" and I kiss him and he keeps his hand in my hair and moves his hand to my lower back. I bite his lip and I mumble "ok, now we can go" and he smiles and gets up. He is so gorgeous. He puts his shirt over his shoulders like a scarf and I get up, offering him my hand. JJ takes it to pull me closer then pulls his hand away, putting it in my back pocket saying "JB, you ready to surf?" I say "yeah, you?" He nods and I say "it's been awhile, we might be a bit rusty" and JJ says "we'll be fine, stop worrying, John B" groaning. I say "shut up" chuckling and we get to the beach and everyone is there and I say "hows my hair?" JJ says "just terrible" sarcastically, taking his hand out of my back pocket once we see that everyone is there. The girls that JJ was talking to, our new friends, Pope, Kiara, Sarah, and Topper. I mumble "if he gets in my face, he's out" and JJ says "agree" his hand casually on my hip then he pulls away and we walk down the beach. He puts on a shirt before we reach the group probably just to take his shirt off in front of the girls. He's such a ladies man its insane but he never persue any girl he's ever talked to, sure, he'll flirt all day and they'll be so into it then they go their separate ways. JJ says "who brought the beer?" Kiara says "me!" JJ says "you're my favorite" handing me one and Matt says "I swear you guys are alcoholics" and JJ says "watch your damn mouth" then mumbles "not an alcoholic" and I mumble "breathe, are the waves better now?" He looks at the water for a minute mumbling "surfs up, John B" punching my shoulder and Kiara says "show us your moves, boys, make us look bad." JJ says "fine fine" putting his beer down and I do the same, us taking our shoes and shirts off. JJ whistles when I take my shirt off and I say "shut up" and we walk down to the water and he walks into me on purpose saying "whoever gets the most waves wins" and I say "wins what, Jay?" He says "the rest of my weed supply" and I laugh saying "were not winning anything, no competition, just go" us laughing. We get our boards and I say "surfs up" rolling my eyes and JJ says "surfs up" us laughing at us being purposefully cliche. We surf for a couple hours and when we go to walk back up JJ says "I think I'm gonna die" and I say "really?" He says "that works your legs, I feel dead" falling onto the sand where it starts to get dryer. I say "you're so over dramatic" chuckling and he gets up saying "it hurts my baby legs" and I laugh saying "baby legs? That's a new one" him bumping into me as we walk and he says "I'm almost as thick as you, John B, watch out." We chuckle and I say "Kiaras the competition after me, the final boss" and we laugh and he says "I'm getting there" the group laughing as they catch our conversation. Topper says "ok, how the hell does surfing work?" I say "you just do it, have you ever done it before?" He says "no" and I say "what do you all do over there do for fun then? Stare at checks wondering who you're going to write them to next?" Topper says "we don't do much" and I say "I can tell" us chuckling and Sarah says "I don't think surfing would be your thing." Topper says "its still cool though" and she says "now that's true" and JJ says "the waves could've been worst, could've been better though." JJ walks around our group talking to all the girls that he invited, flirting with each of them, getting a few invites to their hotel rooms then politely declining. Kiara stands next to me saying "how does he do that?" I say "no clue" as he flirts with all the girls at once and she says "I'm gonna have to ask him to teach me his ways" and we chuckle. We all just hang out and JJ's phone rings and I say "you aren't picking that up" and he says "come on, why?" He stands in front of me and I say "I know who it is, Jay, don't pick it up" giving him the look and he says "it'll be worst if I don't" and I say "you're lying through your teeth, Jay." JJ mumbles "yeah, you're right" and his phone rings out to voicemail and he gets a voicemail from his dad and he quickly turns the volume down. I mumble "we could throw it in the ocean" and he says "I'm the one with dumb ideas, John B, you aren't helping" us chuckling. Then the girls start talking about JJ and who wants him more which makes me laugh. JJ mumbles "I want you the most" and I mumble "I want you the most" bumping into his side. I'm not really into sex right now, I need more of a romantic connection but damn, its gonna be hard to get one of those with his hyper sexuality and him just being super attractive. I'm so screwed.

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