John B's POV
JJ leans against me saying "dance with me" drunkenly and I chuckle saying "yeah?" I'm a bit tipsy myself, its super late, for island time, midnight, the friends we made, our group, were just hanging out. Drinking and talking, all of us somewhat tipsy but JJ is a drunk. He's also not a lightweight, so who the hell knows how much he drank. Were just standing around the fire and I say "how drunk are you?" He says "only a little" biting his lip and I smile saying "you sure?" He says "no" poking my nose, just turning as he makes circles around me and he giggles and laughs. One of their guys, Matt, the guy we were talking to earlier says "I think he's drunk as hell" and I say "no, he's a bit tipsy, this is a normal JJ" and the group laughs. JJ says "just a little drunk, come on, Johnny Boy, dance with me, you're so boring" and Sarah says "no, he's definitely drunk" us all laughing. I say "you're a bit tipsy yourself, honey" and she says "am not" and I say "are too, you're doing that thing with your hair that you do when you're drunk" laughing and pointing at her. She says "shut up, John B" laughing and I feel a hand in my back pocket and I know its Jay, so I just let it happen. I say "hey" to JJ and he says "sup" smirking, his other hand moving over my side. One of the new girls say "get a room" whistling at us and Pope says "JJ is always on him if there's any alcohol in his system, you get used to it." JJ mumbles "gives me an excuse to be close to you" and he says "does anyone know how to surf? Those waves are almost as hot as you" poking my nose and staring at the ocean. I mumble "shut up" and he says "I don't want to grab my board, I'm going in" and were just chuckling and Sarah says "me too, lets go!" A lot of us just go into the water and I say "holy shit, it's cold" and JJ says "no shit, Johnny Boy, woo!" Kiara says "John B! I'm coming for ya!" She runs up to me and jumps on my back, moving up to my shoulders. I say "how did you do that?" We laugh and she says "I'm thick" and I say "shut up" laughing and grabbing her calves and I go further in. I fall to the side, taking her down with me, and when I come back up everyones laughing and she splashes me. Were just hanging out, occasionally splashing, slowly drinking ourselves to pass out. JJ gets closer to me and says "do you trust me?" I say "yeah" and he says "good" and he kisses me. I hear a phone just blaring and JJ mumbles "dammit, my dad has to ruin every part of my life" getting out of the water as quickly as possible. He answers it and eventually holds his phone away, looking at the ground. Kiara mumbles "poor guy" and I nod and Kiara says "I'm really getting tired, if you guys wanna stay over, you can" and our four new friends nod after silently asking each other. We all get out and start drying off and JJs dad is just screaming and JJ says "fucking save it for when I get home" and hangs up. He hugs me mumbling "I don't wanna go" and I say "home?" He nods and I rub his back mumbling "be careful, I don't like seeing you like you were this morning." He nods, quietly saying "I'll call you if something happens" and I rub his back mumbling "tomorrow night, you aren't leaving my sight, got it?" He says "yes, John B" grabbing his stuff and he leaves and I say "ok, who's the least drunk to drive?" Pope says "I'm designated driver" and one of the girls, Claire, say "is he ok? Should I go check on him?" I say "if he's not at my house by noon tomorrow, we check" and she says "do you know what's happening? Should we call someone?" I say "yes, I know, no, that wouldn't do too much" and we all drive to my house. I say "First Lady of the house is Kiara, Sarah is the princess, so they fight over the couch, usually sharing it, if you wanna join, go for it but you have the disadvantage." They all spread out through my living room and I sit on the couch saying "I'm so tired" and Claire says "I'm gonna pass out, go to bed" and we chuckle and I go to bed, I'm so beyond tired but I stay up a couple extra hours thinking if JJ is ok.
The next day
I hear a knock on my door and Matt says "someone is at the door" and I say "shit, one sec" putting pants on and I go to the door. I open it and I say "oh my god, Jay, you're bleeding like badly" and he just looks at me with tear filled eyes. I say "today, you really need to lay down for this" and he comes in, tensely sliding past me. I say "Kiara, awake time" and she gets up immediately saying "oh my god, JJ" and he says "I'm ok, Ki, stop" and he mumbles "I'm dizzy" and I say "lay down, Jay." He goes to lay down on the couch and I grab the first aid kit and a bottle of water and I hear a "oh my god! Are you ok?!" JJ says "don't touch me!" I go into the living room and I go over to JJ saying "I'm right here" and he just starts sobbing and he sits up. I say "hey, look at me" and he looks up at me and I say "come here, Jay" and he just looks at me, gets up, and I hug him saying "just me, Jay" cause I feel him shaking. I rub his back and he says "I should've stayed, I'm so sorry, John B." I say "it's ok, Jay" quietly and he just sobs saying "John B, I'm so sorry" and I mumble "you're ok, Jay. He is just breaking my heart always coming back like this. I say "lay down" pulling away and Matt says "you ok, man?" JJ says "I'm fine" and I say "ok, can you take your shirt off?" He says "no."

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