John B's POV
We finish all the boards and we get everything to the beach and JJ says "these waves suck" looking at the water. I say "your girlfriend is going to be here later tonight to surf, we were just getting boards ready" and he says "not my girlfriend, you should invite your girlfriend." I say "Sarah isn't my girlfriend" rolling my eyes and JJ says "sure" sarcastically and I say "I will murder you" and he says "ouch" and Pope says "I'm so hungry" and Matt says "shit, I forgot that we made lunch reservations, we'll see you guys tonight maybe?" I say "yeah, we'll be around" shrugging and when they're gone, Pope says "ok, last night, what the hell happened?!" JJ looks at me and says "I don't know what you're talking about" and we go to where Kiaras family works and she talks to her parents for a bit. We wait until she motions to us and we all go to a table and she gets us all food and I say "I'm so hungry" and JJ mumbles "this is what I call food" and we chuckle. Kiara says "seriously, last night, what the hell?!" JJ says "I'm eating, shhhh" putting a hand over her mouth and we chuckle we finish eating and Pope says "you seriously not going to tell us?" JJ says "nope, not a chance, dude" and I roll my eyes at him. This is going to be amusing if he keeps just denying it till he doesn't want to anymore. I'm gonna go with it just for amusement. I bite my lip and we finish eating and we leave and I say "wanna take the boat out?" JJ says "I'm driving" and Pope says "ready for a death trip then" and we go to my house, where the boat is. JJ says "keys?" I throw them at his chest and he says "thanks" and he starts it up, we push off the dock, and we take it out with a couple beers. I mumble "feeling ok?" JJ nods saying "really good" and he just drives around for a little while, occasionally stopping, and Kiara says "its so hot" and JJ says "jump in then" slowly coming to a stop. She takes her shirt and shorts off casually and jumps in the water. I say "there she goes, never coming back" and we chuckle and she comes up saying "water feels good, you guys should get in" and JJ says "nah, I'm on my period" taking his shirt off. Kiara says "shut up, get in here!" We laugh and I pull my shirt off and I go over to the edge and Kiara says "I'll pull you in" and I jump in, splashing her. She coughs saying "rude" and I say "don't choke" us all laughing and she splashes me saying "shut up." JJ jumps in near me and when he comes up and mumbles "you're gonna choke" and I say "shut up, JJ" rolling my eyes and he says "come on, Johnny boy" and we get back into the boat and JJ just lays on the front part of the boat and I say "I'm gonna throw you off the boat" and I start driving the boat. I say "how you doing, buddy?" JJ says "good" smiling. God, he is gorgeous. The sun is always hitting him just perfectly, his beautiful tan skin just making you want to touch to see if he's real. I just drive slowly and JJ says "this is nice" closing his eyes and putting his arms behind his head. Kiara says "is that Sarah with Topper?" Pope says "think so" and Topper pulls up next to us and he says "hey, guys" overly cheerfully and JJ says "hey, sweetheart, sup, frosted tips" sounding like an absolute douchebag when he says it. Its hot though, so it doesn't really matter. JJ sits up and says "jumping ship, sweetheart?" Sarah says "I'll think about it, JJ" smiling and biting her lip. JJ says "what about you, frosted tips? We'll do you too" smirking and Sarah says "oh my god, shut up, JJ." Topper says "I don't need your sex boat and neither does my girlfriend" and I say "told you, JJ, she's not my girlfriend." He says "I like to mess with you, were going surfing later if you wanna join" and Sarah says "I'll think about it, thank you, JJ" smiling. Topper says "you hang out with these guys?" Sarah says "yeah, problem?" He says "no" and drives off and JJ says "bye, frosted tips!" We laugh even though were all worrying about Sarah because Topper can be a dangerous guy. He wouldn't hurt her though, I wouldn't think. We go back to my house and Pope says "shit, I have to go home, I'm so in trouble" and I say "good luck" and he leaves. Sarah says "I'm gonna peace out, I have to work" and I say "maybe we'll come by to piss you off" smirking and she says "maybe don't, midsummers are tomorrow night, so if you wanna get good money, get a job waiting tables. Heard you get a lot of money doing that" nodding. She leaves and I say "what now?" He says "rob a bank?" I say "theres no bank on this side of the island and we aren't crossing the line" chuckling. JJ says "I was kind of kidding" and we chuckle and he says "we could go get that job" and I say "do we really wanna go and apply? Wed have to shower and get nice clothes on and be nice to people" and he says "gross. No thank you, were not doing that" and I chuckle saying "definitely not" and we go out and sit on the dock. He says "the sun is very nice today" laying on his back, his feet in the water. JJ says "you are something else" and I say "what's that supposed to mean?" He says "I'm not quite sure" and I chuckle saying "ok" leaning back on my hands, looking up at the sky.

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