Todoroki x Depressed!Reader

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Trigger warning: Self-harm, depression, mentions of suicide.

"Just a damn big hoodie is all I need." You said while you searched for a hoodie. You had only five minutes before the class. There were many shirts, and stuff, but all you needed was a hoodie..

to hide certain things.

Finally, you found one. A sky blue hoodie. You put it on with some black pants, grabbed your backpack, and ran out of your dorm, locking it behind you.

You reached your class just as the bell rang. Panting hard, you headed to your seat, and sat down. Mr. Aizawa entered and started with the roll calls. 

You were lost in your own thoughts. So much that you didn't realize Mr. Aizawa was calling you. Todoroki, who was sitting beside you, poked you lightly, making you come back to reality and look at him. He pointed towards Mr. Aizawa, you looked to the front and said, "Yes sir." 

Mr. Aizawa sighed before continuing with the markings. You sighed too, and then looked down at your desk, slowly losing yourself into your thoughts again.

I don't deserve all of this. 

Nobody cares for me. 

They are totally right. 

I am worth nothing..

Todoroki was focusing on you this whole time. All he saw was just you with a poker face and looking at your desk, doing absolutely nothing. 

The class passed as usual. You put your things into your backpack when you heard the bell ring. Getting up from your seat, you walked to the door, only to be stopped by the girls.

"Heyy [Y/n]! We all are gonna meet at my dorm tonight, why don't you come too?" Mina asked, smiling brightly. As much as you didn't wanted to upset them, you couldn't say yes.

"Oh, I...I am sorry, I can't." You said, shaking your head slightly. Mina's and Uraraka's smile dropped.

"Please [Y/n]? For us? Please?" Uraraka asked you with pleading eyes.

Everybody knew you as  the 'hoodie girl'. They also knew how you weren't very socially interactive and stayed alone all the time. 

You sighed. "Okay fine. I'll meet you there." You faked a small smile, and then walked away. You could see the happiness on their faces when you had said yes. But you knew...even though they smiled for you, laughed for you, watched out for you...

they didn't care for you..

Nobody does. It's just that you were their classmate, that's why they wanted you to be with them, enjoy with them. But you knew...

that not a single thing everybody showed towards you was true.

You just reached your dorm, unlocking it and going inside, closing the door behind you and falling on the bed.

Just then your phone buzzed. You picked it up from beside you, unlocking it and seeing who messaged you. Just as you saw the name pop up on your heart filled with hatred.


You thought of ignoring it at first, but then opened it eventually. There were two messages.

-I want you home tonight. There's a big successful man who wants to meet you. Come neatly dressed by 8 p.m.

-You know the consequences if you don't. 

You breathed heavily, as those sad and dark memories filled your already worn out mind. Slowly picking yourself up from the bed, you headed towards the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror over the sink. 

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