Baby!Todoroki x Reader [Pt. 2]

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No no no no no.

This can't be happening. 

Shoto? A baby? Why? 

What did I do to deserve this?

'Cut it out [Y/n], there's a situation you need to handle right now.' You said to yourself as you came back to reality.

"Shoto!" You yelled as you made your way towards the now-baby Shoto. To say that he looked cute would be just an understatement. He was the cutest baby you had ever seen. Bending down towards him, wrapped him in his big clothes, and snaking your arms under his small arms, picking him up, you let his small body rest on your side and shoulder and you caressed his little back. 

Babies were always one of the things you fascinated. Their little hands, toes, fingers, body, face. Their chubby cheeks, their big eyes, smooth hair, soft as cotton like skin, everything about them was so cute and beautiful. You remembered when you baby sister was born, you never let her down in her crib until two or more hours before your parents had to snatch her away from her. 

You rocked him a little when he made cute sounds a new born baby makes. you had to take him back to the dorm, but not without letting anybody notice. Momo and Uraraka were out shopping today, and some other stuff you weren't interested in. You remembered them telling you that they'd be staying at Momo's for the weekend, which meant they wouldn't be back until Sunday night. You had the dorm to yourself.

You didn't bother about anyone else but the teachers, and specially the dorm keeper. That lady's the definition of a vinegar-tempered human being. If she saw you with a baby in your arms entering the dorm building, this matter would go to the principal for sure. Not that you really cared, it wasn't anything wrong. Just that you knew Todoroki hated attention, and he would be getting plenty of that in addition with teasing if this broke out. 

You didn't know why you cared about that, but you just did.

While you were immersed in your thoughts, little baby Shoto started to cry. You rocked him at a steady pace again since you knew your ways with a baby. You learned them through your baby sister, she would calm down as soon as you started cradling her or singing her a song.

You started humming a soft tone whilst rocking Todoroki in your arms, resulting in him instantly calming down. Maybe you should've believed you parents when they said you were very good with handling babies. 

You thought of a strategy, a perfect one, one which seemed satisfactory. As you started moving back towards you dorm buildings, walking through the deep forest while still rocking Shoto in your arms from time to time. You could feel him yawn, signaling that he might sleep in some time, which was good for you because you could carry out your plan with ease then. 

As you went a bit near to your building, you could see the Aria, the dorm lady, seated at the entrance, signing some papers aggressively. You felt bad for the people who had to deal with her one daily basis, which included you. 

You sighed as you held Shoto in front of you, seeing him peacefully asleep in your arms, so cutely that you wondered how this was the same cold person you saw everyday. You smiled as you placed him in your arms comfortably again and headed a little towards the building, making sure to not be seen by Aria but enough for you to look into your eyes. 

You focused on her. Just a little more and-

Seemed like Aria didn't wanna be focused on, because she stood up aggressively and threw her pen stand on the floor, frustrated because of some unknown reason. You hid behind a wall, pausing your moments and holding Todoroki securely in your arms. 

But Aria frustrated yells woke Shoto up, resulting in him starting to cry. You mentally face palmed yourself while rocking him up, but his cries just grew bigger and bigger. 

Fearing that someone might hear you, you ran out of there towards the back of the school, where barely anyone would come. It looked abandoned, rarely look upon. You spotted a rusty small hut whose entrance was blocked by a huge stone. After focusing and throwing that stone away, you made your way into the hut, hiding in there.

You thought of calling someone, maybe Deku, but stupidly you forgot your cell at the dorm room. You couldn't leave Shoto anywhere alone, or he would be in danger. 

Shaking your head, you comforted Shoto again, and he calmed down. You figured he might be hungry, because it had been a while since he turned into a baby.

You had to reach your dorm quick, you can't risk being out here. 

You peeked outside to see if anyone was around. Fortunately for you, no one was. You made your way out and went towards the dorm building again. This time, you saw Ms. Aria sitting on her seat, looking quiet calm, and two girls coming towards the dorm as well. Your mind sparked with an idea.

You smirked as you saw those girls climbing up the stairs. You started focusing on them, and in the matter of seconds,

they were kissing.

By the look on their faces, anyone could tell they were not doing it by their own will, but Aria had other thoughts. Shoto was also up, looking at the scene with you. Aria had stood up and walked towards the girl, starting to shout at them.

This was your cue to go away unnoticed. 

"DO YOU BOTH THINK THIS IS SOME KIND OF LOVE GARDEN?!" You heard Aria shout. The girls getting yelled at for something which wasn't their fault, looking down and not speaking anything back because they knew it would only add fuel to the fire.

As they continued, you made your way towards the other side of the building, so that their back was on you. Climbing up the stairs quickly while hiding and rocking the baby in your arms, you entered the building safely and into the elevator. 

You sighed heavily as you pressed the button for your floor. Shoto looked at you with his big eyes with his lips shut into a straight line, making his chubby cheeks pop out. You cooed at the sight and pinched his cheeks slightly, making him move his face away and you chuckling a little. 

You knew, even if he transformed into a baby and behaved like one, he was still Shoto, his mind was still the one of a teen, the quirk doesn't change his mindset, hence him behaving the same as before. 

As you reached your floor, you sneakily peeked out, seeing if anyone was walking here or there. Luckily there was no one, so you dashed towards your dorm, filling in your password and going in at the fastest speed you can.

You were pretty tired from all the manipulation you did today. Exhausted, you put Shoto on your bed and flopped down beside him, steadying your breathing. Shoto just stared at you, then extending his little arm to rest on your face. 

You didn't bother thinking why he did it, but you just calmed down. After a while, you started to think of yet another strategy to bring Shoto back to his normal self.

There was just one way, to get Yuyuko to change him back.

But how?

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