Asui Tsuyu x M!Reader

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"Asuiiiiiii! Do you wanna train?" You asked as you approached her. 

"Call me Tzu." She said, completely ignoring your question.

"Okay, Tzu. Do you wanna train?" You asked again.

"But I already did.." Tzu answered you.

"When?" You asked.

"Yesterday." She replied again and you mentally face-palmed yourself.

"Let's do it again, come on." You said, grabbing her hand and attempting to drag her from the chair she was sitting.

"Fineeeeeeee." She groaned, getting up herself and shooing your hand away, then walking towards the nearby elevator.

You grinned, following behind her and walking to the lift. You got immersed into your present thoughts as she called the elevator. 

All you wanted to do while training was have some fun time with your crush, Asui. 

You both entered the elevator as it opened, and it closed, going down. 

"So," You began.


"Um...any new moves you learnt?" You asked, a little awkwardly.

"Not really. You?" She asked, looking at you with her big eyes.

"Yeah! I finally learnt how to control electricity and metal." You said with excitement. 

"Nice. Having a Elemental Quirk is really cool. I like it." Tsu stated with her usual neutral face.

You grinned at her, rubbing your neck slightly at the compliment sent towards your quirk. As you opened your mouth to say something, the lights stared to flick on and off, and the elevator stumbled a bit, eventually coming to a stop. 

As this happened, you and Tsu grabbed the nearest wall, stopping yourself from falling down because of the stumbling of the lift. You both looked at each other when the lights finally turned off, and heard Tsu sigh a bit.

"Again? We shouldn't have taken this one." She said, face palming herself.

It was a bit dark to see, but you produced a small fire on your right palm, which allowed you to see around better. You spot Tsu at the other far end of the elevator, away from you. Slowly, you go towards her.

"I'm sorry." You said, "If I hadn't asked you to come with me, maybe you wouldn't be here." You added, going for her big hand with your other free hand, holding it apologetically. 

"Don't. It's not your fault." She said, looking up at you with her big eyes.

The dark, the silence, the little bit of awkwardness filled with a bit of excitement from your side because of being with Tsu alone, made you think this was your perfect chance to let her know the things she doesn't.

"Tsu-chan..." You began.

"Yeah?" She tilted her head to the sides as she watched you inch a bit closer to her. 

"I..." You felt very nervous but you needed to keep going. "I" 

"My shirt? Oh, I know. My father bought me this in the summer. Beautiful, isn't it?" She explained, looking down at her green and blue ocean t-shirt, however visible in the dark of the elevator. You were in a bit of shock for a good couple of seconds, but regained yourself and shook your head.

"It really is...but the one wearing it is more beautiful." You said. If the direct way wouldn't work, you decided to go for the indirect one. Tsu looked at you with the help of the small fire lit on your arms, and nodded.

"I know I am." She said proudly. You were dumbfounded again. She was no way in hell understanding where you were headed to. This made you more desperate to open up to her.

"Tsu-chan I-" You began, but were cut of by the screeching sound of the speaker coming from somewhere towards the elevator buttons. You threw your hands to your ear before extinguishing the fire in you hand, and prevented your ears from the noise. Tsu seemed normal. 

"Ha-hello- hello, who's in the elevator right now?" Someone said, which you guessed was probably the building manager.

"It's Tsu and [Y/n], we're stuck." She said, before going towards the speaker. 

"Don't worry kids, we'll rescue you out as soon as possible. For now, please hold on." The man requested.

"We've been doing that since ages..." Tsu muttered under her breath, low enough for only you to hear. You chuckled slightly at her comment, and suddenly an absolutely amazing idea popped up inside your brain which might be good enough to impress Tsu.

You smirked as you turned to Tsu, who was leaning against the wall, a bored expression on her face. You went towards the speaker, and cleared your throat before speaking.

"Excuse me, I can have an idea that might help us in this situation here." Hearing this, Tsu stood straight and looked at you expectantly.

"Really? Please continue speaking." The man on the other line told you. 

"I have an Elemental quirk, meaning I can control and generate certain elements, including electricity. I don't have any idea about where we're stuck, on a floor or between two of them, so maybe you can tell me and by using my electric power, I can make the elevator work again and we would reach the nearest floor so you could rescue us out. What say?" You explained. Paying attention in classes finally paid off and you were happy about the strategy you thought. 

"Let's do this." Tsu said, you looked at her to see her nodding. 

"We totally can. Amazing idea, there. So, I figured out, your stuck between the seventh and sixth floor. Just in the middle. You can start your application, and I'll tell you when to stop and then you'd be rescued. Start now." The man instructed.

"Sure thing." You said as you bent down towards the floor, looing at a panel at the bottom of one of the walls of the lift. You opened it with ease, taking out some wires and joining them, starting the stimulation with the help of your electricity. The elevator jolted up to life and the lights came back on, both of you feeling yourself moving down as the elevator did as well.

"Stop!" The man said and you quickly stopped your stimulation. 

"Someone's outside." Tsu stated, you nodded in agreement, hearing footsteps.

"Those are the rescue people, they are trying to open the door, stay put." The man said through the speaker.

After what felt like ages, the door opened. You saw some people from the rescue team outside, helping to let the door open. You along with Tsu went outside from the elevator, and a couple of people came towards you after hearing that you were the one to help make this rescue happen.

"Good job, young man."

"Amazing thinking, I see you're good at application."

"I'll be looking forward to you now."

You just smiled at each of them before turning to Tsu. 

"Hey, you okay?" You asked, keeping a hand on her shoulder. "You can go and rest, we'll practice later."

Tsu nodded her head. "Okay, we'll practice tomorrow then." She agreed with you. Your face fell down a bit because you were looking forward to this practice, but it could happen anytime, you knew that.

Tsu started to walk ahead of you, but then stopped. You did the same and stared at her back, wondering why she stopped.

"Also..." She began, you kept looking at her, cueing her to continue.

"I...I like you too." She said before going off again. You were a bit too shocked to hear that, to know that she knew what you were talking about. 

All you did was just smile at her retreating figure going off and disappearing in a distance. You kept smiling, going back to your house, very much looking forward to tomorrow. 


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