Prankster!Bakugo x Reader

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"Okay...did I miss something?" You asked, confused as to why all the girls are looking at you so pleadingly.

"[Y/n]...could you do us little favor?" Hagakure asked, her voice yelling 'please say yes'. 

"Depends. Someone tell me what's this about." You asked them, they sighed.

"Well...we got pranked by the BakuSquad." Hagakure stated. You raised an eyebrow. "That's it?" You asked again.

"That's not it [Y/n]! We got pranked badly, and we HAVE TO take revenge." Uraraka stated.

"Yes, revenge please." Jiro said, Yayorozu nodded. "Count me in."

"I wanna take revenge too. Ribbit." Asui joined in.

"Tell me what exactly happened dammit." You said.

"With me.." Uraraka started.

Uraraka was surfing through her phone, until a message from an unknown number popped up. It said-

'Hi! Ms. Ochaco Uraraka, you have been selected as one of the winners of our lucky draw and has been decided to be rewarded with 1 million yen and a hero agency. Please visit us outside U.A. after school hours. Thank you!' 

Uraraka squealed with happiness the entire day. In spite of Jiro telling her it's most likely to be a scam, she didn't care. After school, she waited for someone to show up at the gates. A man, with a black coat, mask, hat, and goggles showed up, and handed Uraraka a stuffed envelope. Then he walked away.

She opened the  envelope and looked inside, only to find stack of papers shoved in together to make it seem like money. 

"HEY YOU TRAITOR." She yelled, but the traitor was long gone. You opened up a paper, only to see 'Haha gotcha Round Face :P' written on it. Uraraka's face held rage. She groaned as she thought of the mastermind of this whole thing.

Katsuki Bakugo.

"And I came here.." She finished narrating her scene. You had tried all this while to hold in your laughter, but now you couldn't. You burst out laughing, everybody looked at you.

"I- I am sorry, it's believed that message." You said between your laughs. Uraraka pouted. 

"Well- I- Ugh fine." Uraraka sighed in defeat. You pulled yourself together from all the laughing.

"And with you?" You asked, looking at Jiro.

"Well.." Jiro started.

Jiro was sitting under a tree, peacefully asleep. She had no distractions, just her delightful sleep. She was so much into deep slumber, that she didn't realize someone plugging her earphone jacks into a phone. Once done, they played  very hard rock music on full volume. Jiro jumped up in shock and held her ears which were now in pain. The person, whoever it was, laughed their ass off before running away. She recognized one of the voices, that could be only one person.

Katsuki Bakugo.

Jiro finished narrating her incident. You patted her back saying, "Aw, poor you. Don't worry, we'll get back to him." She nodded.

"And with me-" Hagakure started, but was interrupted.

"We already know what happened with you. In fact, the whole damn school knows." You said, slightly laughing. Hagakure gasped.

"Don't tell me everybody saw me like that.." She said.

"I am afraid they did." You said, chuckling. Hagakure groaned. You remembered what you had seen happening with her.

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