Todoroki x Depressed!Reader- Pt. 2

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Two eyes pierced into your soul as you walked towards the couch with Mina. 

Time passed by quick. Maybe one hour or more. Everybody was enjoying themselves a lot by the looks of it, and you were just sitting down, drinking juice, when Todoroki came towards you. 

"[Y/n], I wanna talk to you." He said. You looked up at him and were shocked to hear him wanting to talk to you. 


"Something." He said as he walked towards the door. You followed, and both of you went out of the room into a place a little far away from the party. You looked at Todoroki expectantly and he started talking.

"Why are you hurting yourself?" He asked. "What's bothering you?" He added. 

Your eyes widened. No one had ever noticed that you were hurting yourself, or depressed. But this boy right here, who you didn't even talk to that much, knew. How? God knows. 

"Wha...What are you talking about?" You decided to play innocent. He kept staring at you. 

"You know exactly what I am talking about." He told you, making you sigh.

"Okay fine, I know. What are you gonna do about it?" You asked him.

"Why are you doing it?" He asked, completely ignoring your questions. 

"That's none of your business. Besides how did you know?" You asked, this time he sighed, and rolled up his sleeves a little bit, the old scars and cuts coming into clear view as your eyes widened. You had absolutely no idea that he did it too. 

" did this too?" You asked him. 

"Used to." He replied. You took his hand between yours, and eyed it out.

"And you doing it is my business." He stated. You looked at him back.


"Because I like you." He said monotonously. 

"Oh you- What?" You asked, not believing what he said. 

"Tell me, why?" He asked his answered question again. 

"My family..." You started. You never shared your stupid painful life story with anyone, but with Todoroki, it felt like you can tell him. You felt comfortable. You felt as if he was there for you, even though all this assumptions might be wrong. 

You started narrating what what incidents took place since you remember. He listened quietly, but you could see the rage building up in his eyes. It was like he was trying to control himself from doing something that he'll regret later. 

"So, you were supposed to be at home by 8, and now it's...9:15." He said, you nodded.

"Funny. Even I was told to be home at 8 as we were going to meet a girl whom my father wishes me to marry." He said, looking at you. You nodded in understanding, but then your eyes widened.


"We were supposed to meet each other today." He stated. 

"Woah..." You couldn't believe it. Though you wouldn't have minded meeting Shoto, you didn't want to go to your family. 

" I told my dad that I am not coming, and he left the topic 'cause he knew he couldn't possibly persuade me." He told you. "What about yours?" 

You brought out your phone from your hoodie pocket and lifted it in front of him. "Switched off."


"But I am sure they must be on their way to school some time from now, and then comes the 'punishment'". You said, air quoting the word punishment. 

"I have a plan." He said after a while. You raised an eyebrow.


You listened quietly as he narrated his plan to you, which can save you from anything that's coming ahead. 

"And why should I be yours?" You asked him, crossing your arms. 

"Because...I promise to protect you, love you, for the rest of eternity." He stated. 

"Okay okay, stop becoming cheesy. Let's go." You said as you tried to stand up by grabbing some support, but winced in pain because the pressure on your injured hands. 

"Don't hurt yourself again." Shoto said as he picked you up with utmost ease. 

"you're not my boyfriend." You scoffed as he walked with you in his arms towards the exit.

"Yet." He smirked, and you lightly hit his shoulder. 


"FATHERRRR." You yelled as you opened the big door, coming inside your huge hell house. 

"You're so late." Your father said tapping his watch. "You already know the consequences. Todorokis called off the deal." 

"Oh I know, I know. But what if I tell you I brought the deal itself here?" You asked them, and they all stood up. Your mom, your dad, some uncles and aunts. 

You hated being in the same room with them, you hated talking to them so freely like nothing ever happened, you hated just looking at them. But you had to do this, for Shoto.

For yourself.

"What do you mean?" Your mother asked you. 

"PLEASE COME INSIDE." You yelled turning to the door, and then a second later it opened. There, Endeavour, along with his son, Shoto Todoroki in all his glory, entered the house. 

"Endeavour! Sir, please take a seat." Your father welcomed them with all the politeness, you scoffed silently at the sudden change of behaviour, which didn't go unnoticed by Shoto. 

They sat down, and the fathers started talking.

Part 1, accomplished. 

"Shoto here, proposed to come back and make a deal again, though he was the one to call it off." Endeavour said, "He wants to add some rules of his own to this." 

Seriously, rules? Right, my life is a deal anyway.

"Go on, young master Shoto. We'll accept anything you want." Your father said. 

"Okay, first. I will have a say in all the decision makings which will take place in the future." Shoto stated.

"Accepted." Your father replied.

"Second. No one should know that this marriage is happening on the stands of a deal." 


"And third. You will stop hurting and controlling your daughter once she's mine." Shoto said. Father didn't replied straight away, but after a second or two, looking at Shoto, said "Accepted." 

Part 2, accomplished. 

"Anything else?"

"Yes, I would like to have your daughter's permission before finaling this deal." Shoto said. Your dad looked at you with a look that said 'Say yes, now.' They all turned to you, expectantly looking at you.

"Hm...I say..." You looked at Shoto, he nodded slightly. 


As soon as the word left your mouth, your mother smiled at you, your father sighed a sigh of relief, Endeavour nodded, and Shoto stared at you.

Like he always does.

You were happy, more than happy that you will finally be able to escape this death house. And you were sure, that your life will be good from now on. It was a feeling.

You concluded, just like your sister [S/n] found her savior...

You did too.


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