Baby!Todoroki x Reader [Pt. 3]

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But how?

There was no way Yuyuko would agree to do it. 


"What if Bakugo helped us?" You asked yourself, turning to look at Shoto who was sound asleep yet again. You smiled at his cute innocent face. 

"He wouldn't, would he?" You asked as you got up, sitting straight and staring at the wall in front of you. Sighing, you thought of something else you could do. 

"Okay, I got it." You said as you stood up, glancing behind you to see the baby still sound asleep.

"I'll be back." You said as you leaned down and smooched a kiss on Shoto's soft chubby cheeks, which were poking out due to his small pout. Going outside, you made sure to check the door carefully if it's locked, since you wouldn't want anyone to know about Baby Shoto. 

Rushing out of your dorm building, you went towards the support department. You knew someone who had the exact quirk you needed at that moment. You were positive that it would work. 

"Salmon!" You yelled as you entered his room. He looked up, light brown hair glowing in the sunlight coming from the window. His big hazel eyes blinking behind the huge glasses. He adjusted them as he sighed and got up from his seat.

"It's Salmy, S-a-l-" He began explaining his name to you when you interrupted him. 

"I know and I don't have time for this. Now, I need your help." You said hurriedly as you had to head back to the baby in your room. 

"Go on."  

"I want you to talk to this person-" You said, showing him Yuyuko's contact on your mobile which you had surprisingly found, "in Bakugo's voice." 

"Why now?" He asked, but you couldn't tell him why. 

"Uh, she did something to me and I have  to return the favor." You lied smoothly. Looking at your innocent pleading face, anyone would agree. Salmy was still a friend. 

"Okay, what do you want me to say." You did a mental victory dance as you told him what you wanted him to say. He nodded as he called Yuyuko from his cell and waited for her to pick up. 

Just as she did, he activated his quirk and began to speak. The phone was on speaker so you could hear it too. 

"Hello?" Yuyuko's annoying voice said. 

"Hello Yuyuko." Salmy said in exactly Bakugo's voice. You gave him a thumbs up as he continued. Although his quirk was cool, it had it's effects. Whoever's voice he was using, the person whose voice it was wouldn't be able to speak until Salmy stopped his quirk. 

This made you wonder if Bakugo must be wondering where his voice disappeared at the moment, but you could care less. 

"I heard that you wanted to train with half-and-half bastard. Why can't you train with me instead?"  Salmy asked. 

You rolled your eyes as you heard the stupid girl squeal at the end and then answering with he fake seductive accent, "I'd love to, Bakugo. When should we meet?"

Salmy smirked as she said this. "Eight tonight, UA's backyard. I'll be there. See you soon, Yuyuko~" 

"Sure, see ya~" Yuyuko giggled as she hung up. Salmy breathed heavily as he deactivated his quirk, letting go Bakugo's voice, and then looking at you. 

"Great job, mate." You praised him. "Thank you." 

"It's my pleasure." He said, smiling. 

"I need to head back now, see ya later." You said as you waved him a bye and rushed out, going o your dorm the fastest you can. 

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