Todoroki x Reader

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(Author's POV)

Todoroki was just walking through the forest, slowly, silently, and calmly. Having a lot of problems already on his head, he just needed a little time for himself.

But that sure wasn't possible anytime soon.

As he was walking, he sensed someone behind him. Not knowing who it is, he turned see...

a girl, with glasses on and her hero outfit, as Todoroki guessed it.

"Who are you?" Todoroki asked, still calm. 

"YOU WERE SO AWESOME IN THE SPORTS FESTIVAL! I REALLY LIKED YOU, SHOTO~" She yelled, coming closer to Todoroki. He didn't back away, but stood where he was.

"So?" He asked her in a boring tone.

"So..would you like to teach me? Train with me?~" She asked him, coming dangerously close to his face. He looked down at her.

"I'll pass." He said and turned around. She agressively turned him around again, facing her.

"You shouldn't. I especially came here to train with you." She said, and pouted, giving her cutest expression. Much to her dismay, Todoroki didn't even care one percent about whatever she said or did.

"Waste of time. Go to Bakugo, he will train you well. Besides he won." Todoroki stated, hoping that this crazy girl will leave him alone. 

"I don't care about him. I just wanna be with you." She said, coming a bit closer again, but Todoroki stopped her.

"I hate voilence, but if you don't leave right now, I might have to drive you away." Todoroki said. She scowled. 

[Some time ago]

([Y/n]'s POV)

You walked through the forest, stretching your hands and enjoying the cool slow wind. You loved having some time to yourself, just feeling and being with the nature. As you walked, you heard some voices. 

Hearing them getting a bit closer, you stood behind a tree absolutely making no noise, and listened carefully.

"Waste of time. Go to Bakugo, he will train you well. Besides he won." It sounded like Todoroki-kun. You wondered who's he talking to.

"I don't care about him. I just wanna be with you." That voice was familiar. You didn't seem to remember who's it was. Still you were trying hard to remember.

"I hate violence, but if you don't leave right now, I might have to drive you away." Todoroki said. 

"Make me." The girl replied, you could tell she was smirking. With curiosity getting the best out if you, you leaned to the side, trying to see who the hecking girl was. Your eyes widened when realization downed upon you.

"Yuyuko?" You asked, coming out from behind the tree. She looked at you, and smirked.

"So you're here, huh? Good to see you again, NOT!" Yuyuko said, laughing at the end.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, coming and standing near Shoto. He glances at you, and then looked back at Yuyuko.

" know...just-" She began, but was cut off by you.

"Forcing someone to train with you?" You asked plainly. Yuyuko scoffed, and then shook her head.

"Oh [Y/n], why don't you tell him how good it is to train with me, hm? You know it, don't you?" Yuyuko asked, turning to you with a slight smirk.

"If training means, flirting and then making-out...sure, she's okay at it." You said to the half-and-half boy beside you. He stared at you, still confused at to how do you know Yuyuko. You noticed his confusion.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you...this is Hanake Yuyuko. A, well, old friend of mine, from middle school. She's gotten into Himetsu High, probably in the hero course, I am guessing?" You introduced her to Shoto. 

"Of course hero course, huh." She scowled. "What about you? Stuck in the support course, maybe? Or worse, management? Well, lucky that you at least got into U.A." She said, slightly smirking. You couldn't help but roll your eyes.

"Unfortunately for you, I am into the hero course." It was your time to smirk. Her eyes held shock and jealously, wondering as to how you got into the hero course with your stupid quirk.

"Hero course? How is that even possible with your stupid quirk?" She asked. You sighed. 

Your quirk was manipulation. Unless you blinked, if you concentrated on someone or something, you can control it. 

Todoroki remembered how amazingly you passed the practical exam. How you controlled one robot and used it to take down other robots. That was a damn good strategy.

"Well, that stupid quirk got me into U.A." You said, Yuyuko shook her head.

"Can you leave us alone, shitty? I really have other important things to look into." She said, looking at Todoroki, flashing him a smile.

You started to concentrate on her. Focusing all your attention and trying not to get distracted and blink. Todoroki looked at you and realized what you're doing, so he decided to buy you some time.

"You really want to train with me?" He asked her. She nodded eagerly.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

"I won't go easy on you." Todoroki stated. Yuyuko smirked.

"I don't want you to~" She replied. You finally succeeded and took control of her. You looked at her in the eye and lifted her in the air up from the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She yelled out, but then realized it's you who is doing this. She groaned with angry eyes.

"PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW, BITCH." She screamed, you didn't care.

"It would be more worth if I just drop you off to your house like this." You said, bored of the scene in front of you.

"STOP, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME." She screamed for help. Her high pitched voice annoyed your ears to a great extent and you blinked. Yuyuko dropped down from the air. She rubbed her butt. "Ow."

"Just get outta here before I do what I am sure you don't want me to do." Todoroki stated with cold eyes in a monotonous voice. You looked at him.

"You wanna fight? Bring it on!" Yuyuko said, getting up and dusting her hands. Her face held anger and a smirk. You raised an eyebrow looking at her until you realized what her quirk was. You saw her extending her right arm towards Todoroki. Your eyes widened. Todoroki had no idea what her quirk was, but still he got alert.

You started concentrating on her again, planning on shooing her away before she can shoot her quirk towards Shoto. She got ready, Shoto and you did too.

You were just on the edge of gaining control of her when she shoot her quirk towards Todoroki. You did get control of her a second later and blasted her off in the air. She yelled no and disappeared from your region of sight. You sighed in relief and looked up again just to make sure. You remembered Todoroki behind you and when you turned around to look behind, you couldn't believe your eyes.

There, under the pile of clothes, was..

..A baby Todoroki.


[1166 words]


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