Clingy!Deku x Reader

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This one's short. 


You were going back to your dorm. After a busy day, all you need was sleep. You reached your dorm door and unlocked it. Going inside and flopping your bag on the chair, you turn to your bed and see something unusual.

Deku was laying on your bed, wearing a fluffy black kitten onesie. You stared at him with an eyebrow open. As much as you wanted to know why and how he got here, it was too hard to resist his cuteness. So you went towards him, leaned down, and kissed him on the forehead.

"Babe, wake up." You said, the sleeping boy turned, showing you his back and snuggled.

"...No.." He replied, going back to sleep. You pulled him, turning him over and making him face you.

"How did you come here?" You asked.

"The window was surprisingly open..." He said.

"Shoot I forgot to close it..." You mumbled. Just then you felt Deku grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him, on the bed. He wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you closer tightly.

"Isn't that my onesie?" You asked again. He nodded, nuzzling your neck.

"Yeah, and it's damn soft.." He admitted. 

"Deku, wake up." 


"Don't you got any work to do?"


"Come on then, wake up."

"What do I get in return?" 

"I'll buy you some Katsudon." 

"You're better." 

You decided to use your quirk. As much as you didn't want to, it was the only option, to do it.

You got up, snuck a hand under him, and lifted him up with ease, not without him thinking what the hell is happening. Just like that, you lightly dropped Deku on the ground. 

"Oww. What was that for, [Y/n]?" He asked, getting up. You were still sitting on the bed, laughing.

"That's what you get for not listening to me." You said and were just going to get up, but Deku sat down beside you, and pulled you on his lap.

"Meoww~" He meowed like a cat, with the cutest expression. You brought your hand near his cheek and carassed it. He melted in your touch.

"Nyaaa~" He pulled you closer. 

"Cutie kitty." You said.


"Stop this cuteness please." You kissed him on the cheeks.

"Aww you guys." Someone said. You both jolted up.

"Hagakure-chan?" Deku asked. "Mhm!" Hagakure said, while clicking non-stop pictures on her phone.

"How the hell did you get in here?" You asked, getting up.

"Well...the window was open.." Hagakure said, pointing at the window.

"Shoot I forgot to close it again." You mumbled. Deku laughed.

"You need to remember to close it the next time." He said. You scoffed and went into the bathroom to get changed.

You really should keep your windows closed.


[465 words]


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