Petrichor! Todoroki x reader

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"What would you both like to have?" The waitress asked you both politely in a sweet voice. 

"Cold soba." Todoroki replied. You decided to go with that as well.

"I'll have that too." You said. The waitress nodded and went to fetch your orders.

You sat there, eyeing your date curiously, while he stared back. After some minutes of silence, he finally spoke.

"How was your internship?" He asked you. You snapped out of your thoughts.

"Well, it was good. Nothing bad happened, just caught a local thief." You answered, he nodded. "Also..." You continued. "I heard about your encounter with the Hero Killer...are you sure you're perfectly fine?" You asked him concerned.

"I am fine, no need to worry." Todoroki replied, you sighed in relief.

You both have been dating for two month now. When you heard what happened at Hosu city, you were dying to check up on your boyfriend, but the internship was still on, stopping you from doing so. When you finally saw him yesterday, it was as if the light in your life was back again. You had hugged him right then and there, earning some 'Aws' from people and most importantly, by your  classmates. 

After he proposed an idea of a date, to just hang out and spend time with each other, you couldn't wait to do it. Talk about everything that happened, and ask if he's fine, even though his answer is always yes. 

You both talked for a while, till your dishes came. Enjoying the cold soba and the environment of the hotel, you told him about your achievements thought out the internship, while he told you yours. 

"Was you father treating you well?" You asked him.

"Yeah, mostly." Shoto answered.

"Was it good working with him?" 

"In case of new experiences, it was good. Not gonna lie, he's quite good as a No. 2 Hero." Todoroki said. "What about you?"

"Mine went great! I learned a lot from everyone, it was a really good experience." You replied, smiling. 

You ate your soba, he did as well. After finishing and avoiding Shoto from paying the bill and eventually failing, you both headed out, only to be greeted by the rain.

"The weather forecast didn't say it would rain today..." Todoroki stated.

"Well, they aren't correct most of the time." You said, slightly laughing.

"True. We'll have to wait here for a while." Todoroki said. You thought for a moment. After looking up at the sky and at the rain, you jumped out of the hotel's shade, going out in the rain and getting all wet.

"[Y/n]!" Todoroki yelled to you. You looked back at him, water still dropping over you.

"What?" You asked him.

"Come back here, you'll get a cold." Todoroki said concerned, but you couldn't care less. You loved the rain, enjoyed playing in it when you were little, it was no biggie for you.

In an instance, Todoroki was in front of you, with his hands on either side of your waist.

"You'll catch a cold." You said to him. He shook his head. "So will you." 

"As long as I am here, with you, I don't care~" You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

As you did, you felt a pair of soft lips over yours. By instinct, you kissed back, already knowing who it is. Both of you kissed for a minute, and pulled back, slowly opening your eyes in the pouring rain.

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