C h a p t e r 14

884 37 1

Zette's POV :
After Matt nearly killing me jk we went to the living room put on some music and just hung out " let's drink !!" I yelled while standing up " I swear you bring out the bad side in us " Nash Said
" Your Welcome now cmon to the kitchen " I yelled running I grabbed 2 bottles of vodka one for everyone else and one for just me :) .

" Here pour yourselves some shots " I said handing everyone shot glasses
While I was drinking down my bottle and walking on the counter.

I was having fun until the doorbell rang . Who would be here at 12 am ? I answered the door and got extremely happy . My two Best friends of all time Lexi and Nate are at the door !!!

" omg you guys are here ! What ? How ? " I was asking so many questions

Lexi is a medium sized girl , she has ombré hair , light green eyes and is the type of girl everyone wants to be !

Nate well nate is captain of the football team , basketball team , soccer team and wrestling team . We've hooked up a few times but nothing serious .

" yes we are " they both said pulling me into a big hug

" you have no idea how much I've missed you guys " i said letting go .

" kalin look who's here " I screamed because Kalin has always had a thing for Lexi but no one knew but me

" who is it " he replied yelling while walking down the stairs

Hi eyes immediately widened when he seen her . She ran over to him and jumped into a hug . After their little hug myles came down stairs .

" oh hey , I didn't realize we had company " he questioned

" oh yea these are my two bestfriend's Lexi and Nate , Lexi nate this is Kalin's friend " i said in a questioning tone

After saying that Myles gave me the "really nigha " face . After all the introducing around the house everyone one just went their separate ways . Kalin and Lexi were talking outside , myles was talking to Matt and nash and me and Nate were just catching up .

Im gonna be honest i low key still have the feels for him. But I can't because I hate relationships . Their terrible . Someone always ends up getting hurt .

" hey .... Are you ok " Nate asked chuckling

" Ya just in deep thoughts " i replied

" do wanna go to your rooms and watch movies or some thing " he asked . I just nodded and stood up .

Wear it to my room and before I could even close the door he smashed his lips into mine . He slammed the door shut and locked it . ( if you don't like dirty scenes skip this part )

The kiss started to get more and more intense as we made it to my bed . After 5 minutes we were both naked already .

" do you have a condom " he asked

I reached over to my night stand and got one out . He put it on and thrusted into me .

" ughhh " i moaned out .

• Myles pov •

I wonder were Zette is , I haven't seen her all day . She been ignoring me so she could hang out with that one ugly ass mofo noodle head . I was walking to the restroom when I heard moaning coming from her room .

I walked over to it and I instantly knew that was her .

" ugh Nate faster " she moaned even louder

I was so mad I couldn't i took my sweater and stormed out of the house . I also made sure to key his car on my way out .

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