C h a p t e r 27

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Alana's Pov |
I bumped into Cameron .
Can this day get any more awkward
" Alana ?!" He yelled but questioned .
" that's My name " I replied sarcastically " what happened you just disappeared " " Ran away With My boyfriend Nate " " no call or text or even a letter saying hey I'm not coming back" " cameron I knew you guys for like 3 weeks I didn't think I needed to " " Not to Matt " " what do you mean ?" " he fell into depression after you left,he,we thought you were dead" " is he okay ?" I was at the verge of tears " he tried to-he tried to take his life " cameron said almost crying

I seriously didn't think my stupid decisions would have such an impact on others " I-I did he ?" " no Madison Walked into the bathroom and seen him and stopped him , he went to a place that could help him with his depression for 2 years , he's better now but Everytime he hears someone mention you , you can see it in his eyes That he wants to break down"Cameron said looking down " is he in New York ?" " yeah I was actually just going to our room , everyone's in there " Cameron said smiling " I need to see matt " " okay Cmon "

We went into an elevator that went like 3 floors down , we walked down the hall . There Room was the last door on the left Cameron opened the door " hey matt someone wants to see you outside in the hallway" cameron told me to stay out in the hallway so Matt could be the first one to see me well technically 2nd one but whatever.

" who? cameron this better not be a prank I swear to god " Matt Said walking out the room Im guessing, when he came out and seen me he just hugged me no words were said for about 5 minutes we just sat there hugging while he cried on my shoulder " sshhh matt it's okay I'm here" " your alive I thought I would never see you again " " I ran into cameron in the hallway and he told me what happened to you so I needed to come see you , I'm so sorry Matt I didn't know this would hurt you " I said wiping my eyes since I started crying " no it's okay I'm better now okay " he said while hugging me again " Cmon I'm sure everyone wants to see you" he said pulling me inside and pretty much everyone started crying and hugging me .
" hey shawn Cam I use your guitar ?" I asked " yeah your Gonna sing for us I didn't even know you sang " he said surprised " we'll get your phones out I wanna sing you guys a song I wrote last year for this special guy " I said smiling the Song I Wrote Was About Myles but Nate thinks It's About Him But I've Never Had It In Me To tell him It wasn't . " This songs called You "

( Quick A/n this song is originally By A Band Called The Pretty Reckless , the name of the Song Is You so If You Want To Youtube It that's the name of it But let's pretend she wrote it I recommend you listen to it )

"You don't want me, no
You don't need me
Like I want you, oh
Like I need you

And I want you in my life
And I need you in my life

You can't see me, no
Like I see you
I can't have you, no
Like you have me

And I want you in my life
And I need you in my life


You can't feel me, no
Like I feel you
I can't steal you, no
Like you stole me

And I want you in my life
And I need you in my life

La la la la
La la la la

La la la la
La la la la "

I don't know why but I kept glancing at Matt while singing but I don't like him like that I just feel so bad about what he went through because of me.

"That was amazing you have to record that and make an album , I bet my record label would sign you there looking for a girl that can sing , you'd be amazing , do you mind if I show them the video I just took of you singing that song " Shawn said so fast. " woah Shawn calm down , one yes you can show them , and two really you think they will like it ? " I said surprised " yeah they've been looking for months for someone just like you " he said " then yeah , but listen guys I have to get home to my daughter-" I said only to be cut off by nash " you have a kid ?" " yeah aaliyah she's 4 , you guys wanna see picture of her " I asked everyone , they nodded eagerly except Matt Which was werid but I just choose to ignore that " here's when she was laughing cause I fell , here's her watching her favorite show TVD , and here's her in a tutu posing " I said " awe she's so cute she looks just like u only littler " Andrea Said " True " everyone yelled " well listen guys I have to go but here's my number and don't forget to text with your name so I know who's who okay " I said standing up

" I'll walk you out" Matt Said getting up with me " Uh okay ?" We walked outside of the hotel Room " ok so I see you later bestfrie-" I said only to be interrupted by Matt Leaning in And he kissed me " what are you doing !?" I asked surprised omg it's just kissed me wtf ?!? I just cheated on Nate Like 2 hours ago now Some other guy just kissed me.

Oh god I'm a horrible person , after Matt Did that I just ran to the Elevator and left to Stephs house.


" Steph !!!" I yelled running inside only to see her passed out on her couch with some random guy I'm guessing thank god they were covered with a blanket
" ugh why the bloody hell are you yelling?" She groaned
" I'm a horrible person " I said pacing back and forth

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