C h a p t e r 22

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Kalin's POV :
" hey guys I'm going to-woaah " I said walking in to see myles and Alana sucking Eachothers faces off . "Ew too soon guys too Soon" I said backing out
Myles just laughed " I'm going to go home to get you some new clothes Lana-" I said only to get cut off by Alana " can you guys please not call me Lana it's still too soon " she said tearing up a bit " yeah sure la-Alana I'm going to get you clothes " I said walking out
* Skips Drive home and back to hospital *

" hey where's myles ?" I asked Alana Walking into her room " I don't know he got a text and said he had to go "

"Okay well change and they said your free to go I signed all the papers " i said handing her the clothes

*skip Drive home *

Myles POV :
Lycia texted me , Lycias some girl that I hooked up with once but we became friends she texted me saying she's at our house and she wants to hang out I feel bad for leaving Alana But I haven't seen Lycia In A Long time .

" hey myles " " hey wassup lets go inside " " okay but I don't have any clothes with me there at my hotel can I borrow something comfortable ?" " yeah Kalin has a cousin who lives here you can borrow some of her clothes "
"Okay thanks"

Alana's POV ;
We just got here and I see myles car whatever I guess . OH GOD ! That bitch is wearing my limited edition Nike jogger sweats and my customized Nike elite socks OH HELL NAH .

Kalins POV
Uh oh if there's one thing you don't do you never wear lanas "special" clothes .

Alana's POV again :
"Who are you and why you wearing My clothes ?" I asked in a rude way cause she's wearing my special Nike clothes
" cause I am bitch " she said in the same tone but more snappy " oh hell no girl I will smack you so hard you-" I said coming toward her only to be pulled back by kalin " I told her she could borrow some of your clothes " myles said causally like it was nothing " I have two dressers for a reason those clothes are in the dresser that says don't touch boldly written on it meaning don't touch Anything" I said through gritted teeth "I bet she took a whole lot more than just that huh"I said getting out of Kalins grip and running over to her purse and checking it to see she stuffed some of my clothes from the don't TOUCH dresser " oh hell no you theif your really gonna get it now kalin I swear if you touch me I will kick you so hard down there you won't have babies" i said coming toward this chick and grabbing a handful of her hair and throwing her on the floor I punched her face a couples of times really hard I know I hit her hard because you could hear my punches it sounded like I was slapping her , I dragged her outside since she was on the floor and kicked her in the face and came back inside but before I closed the door I yelled " take my shit again hoe see if you don't get it twice as worst " and then slammed the door shut and locked .

I grabbed my clothes out of her purse and then Threw her purse at myles and said " check Your Hoes K ? K . " " WTF WHY DID YOU HIT HER YOU LITTLE BITCH YOUR SO LUCKY YOUR A GIRL !" Myles screamed getting in my face " aye You better back up off my little cousin myles your not touching her " kalin said getting infront of me
" nah kalin move , or What Myles ? Your gonna hit me ? Do It . " I said getting in Myles Face " I'm Not Gonna Hit You , Your A Girl " myles said backing up " so if you have the balls to get in my face you have the balls to hit me right ?" I said getting closer " I'm not gonna hit you leave me alone You Slut " and with That I Punched Myles As Hard as I Could I know it must of Atleast hurt cause My whole hand was burning in pain " Fuck You Myles You Little Fuckboy , and when I'm talking about little I don't mean your height" ( a/n why you lying Alana ?) I said walking upstairs with my stuff and yes I got my joggers and socks off of her thank Jesus there's no blood on them !
* 6 hours later *
Still Alana's POV :
After My Like 6th episode of 90210 I paused it and went downstairs to get food . I'm guessing myles and kalin are asleep since no one is downstairs , as I was getting some Of my leftover Panda Express out of the fridge I got a text message from a number I didn't recognize
Unknown Number : come outside
Alana : who's this ?
Unknown Number : just come outside quietly Lana

And me being me went outside to see what or who's texting me your probably thinking does this girl want to get killed but going outside was the best thing I could've done .
" Lana " someone whispered that voice sounds really familiar ...
" Lana it's me " " oh my god Nate" I whispered

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