00 (prologue)

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Ok so late notice here before the start of the chapter. Why? I forgot to, so forgive me for that.


Brief suicide mentions in this chapter!

I repeat Suicide mention in this chapter.

So sorry again for this late warning. Ill try to remember in future chapters if there are more warnings.

Enjoy reading!


3rd P.O.V


That's how long it was after that incident a lot of things happend here and there, but one thing was for sure. All three of them grown to be sophisticated adults, most of the time.

When only the three of them were left they had all decided on going to Inazuma, the new city the Raiden Shougun had built for all of the Inazumans.

All three of the siblings were before her when she said these exact words;

"I see... Im sorry to hear for your lost, but I have something to ask of you, eldest (L/N) daughter. Can you read, write or anything of the sorts?"

She had said, as a male fox envoy came to her side and gave her paper, a feather and ink.

"I can do both, oh almighty Shogun. My late father had thought me in advance."

She had replied confidently while being nervous at the same time. Whilst the Goddess had written something in the paper and gave it to the fox envoy, he bowed and exited.

"Then, would you like to work under my leadership? being able to read and write in this time and era is rare and teaching another person to do so is quite tiresome for someone like me."

Her gentle yet firm voice called out to her sister, the middle and youngest child had looked at each other. Nothing to lose but so much to gain.

So, she took the opportunity, not forgetting the fact that you are all 'nobility'.

After years under the Shoguns reign, Inazumans were living peacefully, not much 'CoD' were around anymore, Gods had only appeared to challenge the Shogun every once in awhile.

The middle child was a general for the Shoguns army for awhile before taking the title "Lieutenant General" what an honor it must of been being able to wear a mask that the Electro Archon herself has graced. His personality is one filled with passion and strives forward for it, people mistake him for being a pyro user every once and again but he liked and despised his vision much more than the youngest had liked and hated hers.

The eldest had stuck to literature became a historian, and swordsmanship being able to translate Inazuman, Liyue, and Snezhnaya texts. Only learning one was enough to grant you a high ranking position but she had understood and even deciphered old text in the process despite her being the youngest in historians. Her cool calm demeanor and personality was always present in her gorgeous face.

The youngest had learned the nature of weapons, and language understood everything about them and their pros and cons. Though in terms of weapons she prefers to spears and polearms she never got tired on using all of the weapons, she had also became a business woman where language was necessary to learn, good at negotiating and understanding the situation no matter what it was, she had always thought it over. Her personality slightly surprised a lot of people for a business person (Y/N) is quite, almost never wanting to be there but was there a lot (from what people tell her) businessmen and women were talkative, always trying to get them to buy something, but not her. 'How weird.' everyone except her family thought.

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