Bickering Gods...

193 4 0

Swearing up ahead!


Mamoru and Michiko had been saved, at what cost though?



Rex Lapis and the three siblings had went to Inazuma and had explained the situation to the Shogunate.

"Morax..." Baal had sighed looking at the nervous adepti that was hiding behind the tall Archon as he could only cross his arms in response to her tone.

"Why must you take one of my most reliable soldiers?" Baal had also frowned at him, she perfectly understood the reasoning of (Y/N) being an adepti so she didnt force anything to her. She was rather angry at the God of Contracts.

"(Y/N), you are dismissed." Morax had said looking behind him, (Y/N) could only nod and bow to both of them before taking her leave.

"Morax. You knew you could of saved both of them without taking away her freedom." Baal had sat down and eaten some dango.

"I know. But, what good will that give me? Which is why I had asked her before she abruptly took the contract and signed it." Morax had sat down along the Goddess as he had sipped tea that the Goddess had prepared for him.

"You know!? I could of offered you something from my land and you took my soldier? How absurd." Baal had huffed and she continued eating, angrily munching on her dango.

"Well she is the sacrifice, plus she choose her faith. Now shes part of my elite adepti group." He had marveled at the thought of his most powerful adepti all together as they all put an end to this damned war.

"Elite adepti group? Sounds like bullshit." Baal had huffed still eating her dango as she held her face with her other arm that was putted on her thigh.

"Then what about 'Inazuma Elite defence group'." Morax had snapped back glaring at her while calmly sipping his tea.

"Exactly, you stole the name I gave." She had now took another dango before glaring back at the argue ready man.

"You? Didnt Ei name it that? And you went along with it? Aren't you supposed to be the creative one?" He had poured more tea on his teacup as they continue to bicker.

"Dont bring her into this." Baal had slowly drank her milk as they continue.

"Or what?"

"Oh now you've done it."

"Oh, what are you going to do? Strike me down with lightning?"

"Ha, please, I would rain thunder upon you if I pleased, but. Let's talk about Guizhong."

"What about her?"

"Exactly, havent even made one single move on her. You know if you dont want her we can take her and make sure you end up lonely."

"As if."

"Oh? No retaliation?"

"Please, then lets talk about your safety protocols."

"Oh no no no no, Morax. Lets not bring other people into this."

"Then lets talk about your bland ass hairstyle."

"Damn, that must be so rich coming from you, atleast I try with my hair, unlike you and your shit colored hair."

Morax scoffed.


"Oh nope. Lets talk about your revealing ass cloths. No dignity for yourself." Baal had shook her head.

"As if your regular one was any better."

"Atleast mine is covered."

"Then why are you roasting mine!?"

"You show your 'abs'." Baal cringed.

"And you-"

"Hah! Can't say shit, Morax."

"Fuck you."

"I would most likely want to if I were somebody else."

Morax could only roll his eyes at Baal's response and continue his still warm tea after a bickering argument.

While Baal snicker, eating up her dango and victory as her sister came back, wanting to discuss a few things before Morax and (Y/N) leave Inazuma.

"Morax." She had greeted going to the middle of the table, taking dango and milk for herself, thankful her sister didnt eat all of them.

"Ei..." Morax had continued drinking till the teapot was empty.

Damn, he is a sore loser...

I know right?



Menace Zhongli and menace Makoto.

Why? I hc it and thought why not put it in a mini chapter.


Im dividing everything! Like p.o.v with Xiao, Venti, Zhongli, Lumine, Dainslief and etc. All of it will be during and after the Archon war, before Aether wakes up.


Modules, responsibility, procrastination, and so on and forth.

Hope you guys understand.

Most mini chapters like this will provide a hint or thought, like the one up top. And will also have a word count around maybe 1-2k words. It now just truly depends on mood, motivation and how much sleep I get. (This chapter got around 600 words)

Anyways goodluck and Goodbye!

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