Stars Colliding, Stars Falling

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Not fully confident in this one since Mihoyo still hasn't given the opposite twins backstory on their journey...

Blood and swearing warning...


A golden star...

Two golden stars...

Has entered Teyvat...


Mondstat, the city of wind and freedom enjoying yet another night of beloved freedom...

Freedom of what? A ruler? A tyrant? A puppet(!)?

Through the windy night, they have yet to notice the golden star falling down, only one...

The immortal residence however, felt the unfamiliar aura of power, a continuous aura of stars, fate and a lingering touch of "heavenly principle".

(Y/N) was just out patrolling on the windy night, chatting with Barbatos as they walk through the calm night.

But now they were running— She was running, Barbatos was being lifted into the sky using his gnosis like a toy.

Running to the unfamiliar aura.

They stopped, somewhere in Wolvendom roaming around as they try to find whatever was causing the uneasy aura.

Lumine 3rd P.O.V

The blond girl however, was clueless and had started to gain consciousness about the situation.

'God's, heavenly principle, that God who—,,, who separated us!? Where's Aether!?'

She continued to look around wobbling as she stood up trying to use her powers but only successfully summoning her sword.

Her powers were sealed, her brother was missing, she's in an unknown place, an unknown world, with unknown habitats. Heck she doesn't even know if there were human beings in the world.

But the scenery was nostalgic, she was there before, but when.

But she didn't let those thoughts linger through her mind longer, for she needed to find her brother.

She started to walk thinking that her sibling maybe landed next or atleast near her.

Grass, the sound of leaves crunching under a pair? of feet?, but not hers.

Lumine was on guard, raising her weapon on a defensive stance, ready for whatever was coming.

What she didn't expect, was a fox.

'A blue.. Fox? Is that normal? But then again what is normal when you travel world's.'

"Hey there buddy, uhm." Lumine let her weapon disappear trying to not get the fox scared. Though only fully noticing it's features, beady red eyes as there was a tiny mist surrounding it.

As she reached for it though it was cold, so cold that she had pulled her hand back and stare intensely at the fox, not knowing what's it capable of.

The fox however stood and started to walk away from it, disappearing through the dark of the night as the light mist beneath it's feet was glowing a light blue.

Lumine was deciding whether to follow or not.

She followed it.

She was quite though, stealthy as she watched the fox from afar.

Stars And Regret || Various! Genshin Character x Fem! Adepti! Reader | One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now