A lovers return.

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Since I love him sm.


He sighed waiting for his lovers return.

She sighed longing for her lovers touch.


*Tick tock*

The grand father clock's noise ruined his already foul mood.

'Just another day of waiting.' Diluc sighed as he glanced at the stacks of paper that needed to be taken care of.

'Ding. Dong. Ding-'

The grand father clock broke to pieces as Diluc attacked it, a deep scowl to his face as he sighed and tried calming down.

His foul mood was caused by (Y/N).

The letter that he had delivered via his messenger bird, which he named Dawn, still hasn't reached (Y/N) since Dawn hasn't returned. He was getting worried for the both of them as he let his claymore disappear and started to pace.

The head maid, Adeline, knocked on the door.

"Come in." Diluc's deep voice called and Adeline entered.

"Master Diluc, I heard something being destroyed and it seems you broke the grand father clock. Again. For the 5th time this week." Adeline could only shake her head and call in some butlers and had them remove the destroyed clock. Again.

"I am sorry Adeline but Dawn hasn't-" Diluc continued his pacing, even going faster.

"Master Diluc." Adeline called out and halted his pacing. "Do not worry about Dawn and Ms. (Y/N) they are tough, strong, dependable, and can take anything that comes their way. So, Master Diluc do not pace, do not break the grand father clock for a 6th time or else I wont put one anymore." Adeline strictly stated.

"I prefer not having a grand father clock right now Adeline, not until they are back I dont want to destroy another." Diluc sat down by his chair and tried cooling down.

"Why do you destroy the grand father clock, Master Diluc?"

"It... Simply irritates me."

"Then should I not put one ever again?"

"Its best if you do put one here. But please do not put one right now or when (Y/N) isn't responding to my letters."

"Im sure shes busy helping out another country/continent(?) She trusted us enough to say what her duty was and didn't keep it a secret so if you are thinking she cheated on you, remember that and who made the first move."

Diluc only blushed at the last comment, remembering that (Y/N) was the one who did the first move.

"Now, I shall leave you alone. But Master Diluc, do make sure your work is done before this week or else you will be flooded with work when (Y/N) does come home." Adeline reminded and got out the room smirking as she closed the door.

Diluc blushed more, not feeling as anxious as be was earlier and took a deep breath and exhaled looking at the stacks of paper once more and started to read them one by one.


She panted. Running from the blizzard that was starting to slow her down.


She escaped. Battered and bruised she took shelter in a cave within Dragonspine.


Another cold night.

She sighed her breath painted the air before quickly disappearing and looked around the cave yet nothing to keep her warm.

She shivered in the cold and looked outside, the blizzard thankfully subdued after what she estimated was 4 hours.


*Flap* *Flap* *Flap*

A sound? Of a bird flying?

She looked outside the caves entrance once again and saw the brown eagle/messenger bird known as Dawn but she was covered in snow.

She quickly dove to her arms and snuggled in them for a quick minute and got out, showing the piece of paper she had been tasked to deliver a couple of weeks ago.

"Aww Dawn... You poor thing come here." (Y/N) opened her arms for the poor eagle/messenger bird the bird immediately accepted and dove to her arms snuggling herself while (Y/N) took the piece of paper on her talons.

It reads:

Dearest, (Y/N) ♡

It has been a week since your departure, I wonder what you are helping with now. If you want/can you can ramble your recent findings to me when you come back home to me.

I will try to keep this letter short since you are busy but.

I love you and I hope you know whenever you are tired and/or need a place to stay I am always here ready to hold you at any moment.

I am truly happy I am with you.

Diluc Ragnvindr ♥.

(Y/N) smiled deeply at the letter, though it has been more than a week hell it was basically a month since she last saw Diluc.

She sighed, he must be worried dearly for both her and Dawn.

But knowing she was finally done with her investigation on the recent change of climate in Dragonspine she was ready to go back home, to Diluc.

She gently carried Dawn and started to run to the Mansion, making sure to not wake up Dawn she sped up, not being able to contain her excitement in seeing her lover again.


Diluc put down his pen and looked at where the grand father clock used to be.

He sighed.

Right. He asked Adeline not to replace it.

Then he heard tapping from his window, alarmed he readied his claymore cautiously walking up to it and opening the curtain.

No one.

Until he was tackled from behind,he struggled until he realized it was his lover.

(Y/N) giggled seeing her lovers face contort into surprise and happiness once Diluc saw her.

Diluc stared at her for awhile, his face starting to burn as he started to notice their position but also tackled her into a big hug which caused (Y/N) to let out a soft gasp and giggle.

She hugged him back and pulled away giving him a soft kiss on the lips.


Since I love Diluc so much.

Also what happens next is up to you guys.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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