00 (prologue)

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Ok here is the actual chapter. Sorry to dn you people. It was just so hard to resist...

Also warning:

Mention of murder.

Also just to clarify (Y/N) is now 18 making it 6 years after the incident.

Older sister - 22

Older brother - 19

(Y/N) - 18

Also sorry if it looked like it was rushed, I mean it was but I tried to make everything make senee...

(Oh and extending stuff like 2 Archons still needs to be seated, to make more sense since I need (Y/N) to be atleast 100 years old before the end of Archon War, basically im changing the course of timeline and age of alot of things here)


How (Y/N) had almost regretted  her time with her brother.

Every stall they would walk and ... would talk to the vendor for what felt like hours. (it was only around 2-10 minutes depending on the vendor) Most of them were food related so that kept her alive for the rest of there time there.

(Y/N) was now holding multiple paper bags of food for there oldest sibling when she awakes up from her deep slumber.

"When do you think we can go to Mondstat? (Y/N). Like they already have a city and people in charge of the place, someone named Gilbert Lawrence or something and apparently he's also a noble like us. You think we might also strike a deal in Mondstat?" The middle child had said through a stuffed mouth while the youngest could only sigh at his behavior.

"That fast though?, it has only been a few years." (Y/N) had mumbled in thought cleaning there mess on the bench they were sitting in.

(A/N: ok so Mondstat was without a God for about 10 years [extending this to fit my story] so meaning Venti/Barbatos isnt born yet but has already attained the nameless bards form and is only starting to get his own fully built mind and mind set. So if this story was set in 0000 the rebellion would be around 1500 or around that time. Also think of Mondstat as an medium town that appointed the Lawrence clan as their leader because they helped a lot in the war and the building of 'New Mondstat' also the Mondstat in this chapter isnt the true Mondstat, more like its just there since Barbatos hasnt helped them build the true Mondstat.)

"Apparently they were hoping to start trading there products. Sadly without a God all they could do is hide and protect the village, seeing as how 'CoD' are still rampant in Liyue and Mondstat. Especially here in Liyue. So if we do go to Mondstat we must prepare for possible negotiation and threats here and there." Ge had explained in between bites of his grilled tiger fish while (Y/N) was eating her mora meat.

"But, we have yet to say this information to the the Shogun, we could not act without her word or say in the matter." (Y/N) had said shutting down her brothers idea.

While he could only sigh, he just wanted to go and explore the 'New Mondstat' that everyone was talking about and wanted to see what kind of leader this 'Lawrence' is. Plus they have all fought in war regarding the CoD so he was confident in there skills.

While (Y/N) had thought that this was a great idea, her old traits and habits were getting the best of her. The 'ok' signal from what her brother had named it. Looks like even after 2 years off of the battle field she still had those habits.

She really coudnt blame herself though. After direct leadership under the Shogun she had always looked for an answer from her to give an 'ok' or 'dont'. Thats what made her have that thingking system. 'Without the Shoguns permission we cant do this or that blah blah blah'.

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