The Abyss and a Childe.

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This contains Childe's backstory.

Also, this is meant to be a platonic relationship, seeing each other as siblings.


A/N: I just got this from a certain tt, so idk

"Out of all the weapons that you have Big Brother, why a bow? Even though you've mastered every other weapon?" The little girl asked innocently.

" Well, a special, certain someone gave this to me when I was... In my times of need. So you could say that im treasuring the gift by always using it in battle." The child had explained vaguely.

" Really? Then they must be a nice person because they willingly gave you that bow." The girl had hummed in though.

" Yeah, she is."

After everything that happend in K'hanrieh, (Y/N) noticed alot of change when the night came.

'After the fight with Lumine, I never saw her again. I should of made her understood more.' (Y/N) continued to remember the past, even after hundreds of years has past.

Whilst speaking of the past, she and the Archons have noticed a certain organization of "The Abyss", being lead by a certain leader, or rather, princess.

As she continued to travel around Teyvat, she continued to encounter them. Abyss Mages, Abyss Lectors, certain.. "Ruin Guards" that has a certain patterns of movement, and more interesting creatures.

Right now, she's in Snezhnaya investigating recent sightings of said creatures by the Tsaritsa.

Continuing to strolling around in the snow, slightly reminding her of her time in Dragonspine.

'Not the greatest memories..' She sighed ever so slightly, her breathe painting the air but quickly disappearing.

. . .

After an hour of finding this specific place, she felt a shiver run down her spine, quickly trying to find the source.

A hole.

In the middle of the white stained ground which continues to pile up, air coming out of the hole while the snow continues to fall slowly to the hole.

Taking a quick peek of the surrounding she sighed again, a rather deserted area yet.. She felt someone here, someone..

Having no more hesitation she summoned her polearm and quickly plunged down the deep abyss of black.

Quickly being enveloped in black while landing she noticed the snow pilling up is thick, thick enough it was a good three or so days of snow fall.

After investigating she noticed spots of snow and ice, footprints.

Whoever that person is, might already be dead, but she still bolted to follow the prints, trying to find where ever they went. Until she noticed stairs.

'Stairs..?' She thought 'weird, I expected traps..' Shaking off the thoughts for now she quickly entered the now lighted room.

Monsters and entities spawned.

'It was a trap.. Oh well.' She prepared for their incoming attacks.

. . . .

After what seems to be a few hours, she was already at the 2nd chamber of the 8th room, or rather floor.

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