A Finished Contract.

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Not confident on this one...


A master and a deciple.

That's what they were, an utmost professional relationship.

But he wanted more, he didn't just offer it for gaining another loyal pawn. He saw something that most people, God's even, can't see within the fair maiden.

They say the eyes are the window of the soul, yet, he felt like the woman had lost it, her soul.

The desperation in her eyes was immaculate, such pure bliss he felt when he had made the contract, a human that has the honor of spreading his name.


~10 years later~

(Y/N) didn't look like she aged one bit. Her siblings however. Michiko had aged finely with time, her face looking mature as she bared no ring on her finger.

Mamoru, with battle scars and forgotten slashes of claws, swords and knives were bearing his body, large and small. He had Wed of 4 wives, all bearing atleast 3 children, most was 6 children..

(Y/N) would often visit when she was given the leisure to.

Spending a week with them as her nieces and nephews always questioned her, and only received flat answers of yes, no, maybe, can't tell.

They labeled her quite, strange and outright weird.

The oldest being 8 years old, challenged her to a duel mocking, provoking her as she was said to be a female that can only cook and clean.

She was so close to murdering the poor boy if it weren't for her siblings yells to stop, afraid that if they were to get close they would require another set of fresh scars. And worrysum ones.

They didn't mock her anymore after that though, shut their mouths as she passes by them, afraid that they will end up like the poor boy. Some also tried to be brave, saying stuff like "I'll avenge my brother! Take this!" it was a 6 years old.

Of course she was stopped again by her siblings, the wives only concluded that the children must be out of harms way when she was around. They tolerated her as she was the sister of their husband.

But she could barely tolerate the wives. She knew they were talking behind her back, but she didn't mind. She barely minded anything at the time, barely focusing when she's at their house and just wandering the streets of Inazuma.

Only to encounter a strange looking humanoid creature, one that she felt was hollow of a heart yet can still feel.

She had stopped him, tapping his shoulders as she was wondering about the thing.

"Yes? Did you need something?" The seems to be male was wearing a thing that carries wood behind his back.

"Baal." She had muttered looking at him.

He tensed as he laughed warrily.

"You mean the Raiden Shogun? You know you musnt just mutter her name like that, you might be struck by lightning. And with an out lander like you, I'm pretty sure she can strick you down right now." The male was shorter than her, that was for sure, his long purple hair was unkept as he was laughing at her.

Noticing she was observing him, he coughed.

And scurried before she gets more suspicious of him.

~40 years later~

They all had aged except (Y/N), her (H/C) still (H/C) as her siblings were starting to gray and white. Her nieces and nephews had grown into fine women and men and most had children.

She was visiting before going back to Liyue, as she was only allowed to stay for a week.

"Are you sure?" Michiko, her face boring of wrinkles at the slightest scrunch of her nose, her starting to gray hair tucked into a low ponytail, her finger still not having a ring around it.

"Michiko, my dear sister, I am bound to a contract and.. I, I'm starting to find fulfillment as being an adepti." 'Or is it because you were forced to love it.'

"I-, Can I be honest..?" Michiko had started to fiddle with her fingers.

"Of course."

"I feel.. Guilty.."

"For what? Come sit I can make tea as we chat." (Y/N) ushered her to sit on their porch as she hurried inside to boil water...

Michiko was now drinking her tea, calming her down as (Y/N) was attentive to every little detail as she prepared herself of what to say to try and comfort her sibling.

"I feel, guilty.."

"Mhm, go on."

"Because, me and Mamoru had taken your freedom, you sacrificed your own soul for ours." Michiko was trying to stop tears as she was biting her bottom lip to stop her hiccups.

(Y/N) could only stare at her, processing her words, she had only wanted to save them, why did they feel guilty wasn't she doing a good job? She choose this, so why are they guilty?

"Michiko, you do not have to feel guilty what so ever, I choose to sell my freedom for both of you to live your lives to the fullest! Why are you feeling guilty(!)?" (Y/N) had slightly yelled as her expression was one of confusion.

"That's exactly why.." Michiko was whispering as tears were streaming down her cheeks, putting the tea down on the coaster as she took out a napkin from her pockets drying her tears as they kept pouring out.

"Sister.. You musnt feel guilty because I choose my fate, is this why you hesitated on your achievements? Like that promotion? Or when you were sent to that ancient ruin to decipher the texts? Sister, you don't have to hesitate on anything just because you stopped me from doing my used to be everyday job."

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