The meeting of Ice and Wind

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Venti / Barbatos.

Mentions of killing and blood.


Cecelia, my precious Cecelia.. Thank you for picking me..


It was... Over.

The two remaining Archons had finally been seated.

How long has it been?

No idea.

Everyone can finally rest.

Except (Y/N), of course.

She was designated as a messenger of sorts, as per order of Rex Lapis.

And now she was going to meet the newly seated archon as requested.

Though excited she cant help but grumble at the thought of leaving and travelling all the way to another country, just to be acquainted with another God. Another God...

(Y/N) was also requested to meet all the other seated Archons, as request of Rex Lapis. Which made her acquainted and became friends with other Gods.

After she had returned from 'Fontaine' she was yet again requested to go to Mondstat for the new Archon, Barbatos, apparently his story was interesting to say the least, or atleast from what she heard from Morax.

She was really interested in those type of stories, wanting to prove them true or false with her own work. But she chose not to do so in the first tries and try to get them to tell it on their own. (If they don't she would search for clues on her own, or question them about is it if she was trusted enough.)

Welp, returning at the task in hand, (Y/N) had already talked to other adepti. Such as Mamoru, (hydro) and Persavasis. The others were currently patrolling with Persevasis as an assistant of sorts.

(Y/N) had taken Persevasis under her ruling, but since recent Archons had been seated she hasn't seen much of them.

"Are you sure? You know Morax can let you do it later..." Mamoru was worried for his sister. Ever since a calamity that caused their sister.

"Oh c'mon brother im fine! I mean sure tired but its fine, truly." she had insisted while (hydro) was just calmly watching the two, worrying and assuring. Thats all they ever did after Michiko had fallen in battle

Since (hydro) was a born adepti she didn't feel any certain emotions, its all too vague for her to understand, too... Too underwhelming? complicated? Maybe both.

After that she had already departed, saying goodbye to her fellow yakshas and chosen (forced) Archon.

Going to Mondstat was a breeze. No pun intended. Easy monsters and camps to clear, almost made her pity the monsters.

While stepping foot within the Mondstat borders however, she always felt a breeze, through her hair, clothes, and (accessory if any).

While wandering she had went to Starsnatch cliff admiring the view and never ending breeze.

"You must be the adepti Morax had sent!" a voice had called out to her which caused her to turn her head only to be met with air, looking up however. Made her have direct eye contact with the newest Archon. Archon of Wind and freedom, Barbatos. Dressed in a rather.. Revealing outfit.

"Yes, Archon Barbatos, I am here to see if there is anything you need help with. The nation, people, supplies, any.. Enemies to deal with. I am also here to observe you. I can talk to Rex Lapis if you do not want me as company." (Y/N) said while she had bowed making her breaking eye contact with Barbatos.

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