A Mistake To Call You Friend.

165 6 1

Xiao / Alotus

Mentions of blood, and killing.


You don't understand! I actually tried and yet I failed.. Again...

Exactly, you keep on failing, no matter what your improvement is, you will always, always be behind me.


"(Y/N) please do accompany me to Dragonspine. Though this part belongs to Mondstadt, Mondstadt has rather weak monsters I would not want my time to be wasted by such creatures, so you shall accompany me. " Morax had said to her after she just came back from Natlan.

"Certes. Do tell when we depart, for I shall take my belongings to brother and sister and notify them of my return." (Y/N) had spoken in a rather, aristocratic way. But then again she was always like that to Morax.

"Get your belongings out of the way and notify your siblings, then we shall depart." he had slightly ordered, seeing as Dragonspine was more of Mondstat that Liyue, but wanted to explore the land to see something for himself.

"Understood, I shall put these away immediately and then we can depart shortly." (Y/N) had bowed using adepti arts for a fun, faster, and easier way to get to there shared teapot Ping had gifted them.

"Guys! I'm back!" (Y/N) had shouted much to the dismay of their house keeper, Bubba.

"Baby Sis! How was Natlan?" Mamoru had took her belongings and layed it on the floor next to the door for later. Michiko was done preparing a late lunch for the both of them.

"Come on, sit down Michiko just got done cooking. You know how I always cook? Well she volunteered to do so today." Mamoru had whispered to (Y/N) while (Y/N) could only raise a brow.

"Well, that does sound nice but I can't.." (Y/N) had smiled apologetic at the both of them.

"He has another job?" Michiko was bringing out sake for them, but was deciding whether to put it back or keep it for Mamoru and her to drink.

"Well more like accompanying him. To Dragonspine for something." (Y/N) trailed looking at the both of them sharing glances.

"Are you sure about Dragonspine though? Don't you hate those kind of weathers?" Mamoru was raising his eyebrows.

"Eh, after going to Snezhnaya I'm rather accustomed to those kind of weather. And I just came back from Natlan, it's a nice way to cool of." (Y/N) had reassured them.

"I must not keep thy liege waiting. One thou miss thy siblings.. But, one must tend to thy duties." (Y/N) stated waving a hand around looking and glancing at the both of them with rather sad eyes, glossy but she hadn't dare to let tears fall, not in front of them or him.

"Thank you for the lunch and sake, just, save me some?" And with that she had used adepti arts to go to Morax taking one last look at her siblings before being fully engulfed by a pitch black void.

Arriving at the designated waiting spot, (Y/N) had nodded at the man. Using adepti arts to teleport both of them at the foot of the mountain.

"My liege, I am rather curious on what we are here for. Someone, something or somewhat? Certes you aren't just here for a stroll, as said thy liege this is more part of Mondstat." (Y/N) had kept her polearm afloat behind her back.

"..." Morax had said nothing and only stare at the path ahead, clearly not wanting to chat or talk to anyone, but it is making her wonder why they even came to the place, but (Y/N) had kept her mouth shut about it and continued beside the Archon, occasionally summoning ice foxes to take care of monsters.

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