Chapter Seventy Four

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Chapter Seventy Four

Click. Click. Click.

I press the shutter button, taking several pictures of Silas as he laughs at something Luke says. I sigh, dropping the camera from my face. I enjoyed being in front of the camera, but my favourite place is definitely behind it.


I smirk, looking over at Gabriel. He drops the camera he's now claimed as his. I don't mind. I've loved watching him today. He has a talent, and between us, I can't wait to see what other pictures we can get. He winks, blowing me a kiss. I raise my camera.


One moment captured for forever.

Gabriel and I have been through the pictures he's taken today. We've made a quick slideshow with some of our favourites. The others sit on the cloud, in albums, ready to be shared with the others later after we've shown them the slide show. Currently, we're sitting outside, the sun setting behind the trees. We've just finished eating amazing food that North, Mr Blackbourne, Luke and Marc had prepared; burgers, sausages, potato salad, sliced peppers and veggie skewers. Now we're just relaxing and chatting amongst ourselves, drinking iced tea.

"Cupcake, truth or dare?"

I look over at Luke, my eyebrow jumping up as North groans from where he sits beside me. "Umm..."

"Fuck yeah," Gabriel grins.

"I didn't realise we were twelve," Brandon says, shaking his head.

"You're all just boring," Luke laughs. "If you don't want to play, you don't have to, but I do and I want to play with Cupcake. Gabe wants to play too."

"I'll play," Raven says, rubbing his hands together, the grin of his face making my heart leap.

"Keep it clean, Ray," Corey mutters, shooting him a dark look which doesn't at all match the curve of his lips. He's warning him to keep it clean - of what, I'm not completely sure, but I could guess, - but is also amused.

"Choose one, Cupcake, Truth or Dare."

I drop my camera to my lap. "Truth." I don't know if I dare to take a dare. I want to see how it plays out if the game continues to go on.

Luke's face scrunches up, like he didn't want me to say that, but then he tilts his head to the side as he thinks, his warm brown eyes studying my face. "What five things would you bring to a deserted island?" He asks.

It's so random, I blink at him a few times. "That's easy; camera, laptop, kindle, a power source and a waterproof bag, just in case it rains." Silence. And fourteen pairs of eyes weighing heavily on me. "What?"

Axel grins. "Only you would think to bring a power source and a waterproof bag."

"It's clever thinking," Kota says, green eyes sparkling, his grin amused.

"You wouldn't have an Internet connection," Corey says, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, if I knew I was going to a deserted island, I would download all the books I could on the kindle. I don't need the Internet to transfer my photos from camera to laptop. I wouldn't be able to edit them, because the program I use does need a connection but that wouldn't be an issue, as long as I can transfer the photos over so I have space to take more..." I trail off, watching so slow smiles spread across handsome faces.

"You're adorable," Sean says, hooking his arm around my neck and pulling me into his side. I giggle as he nuzzles my face, pressing a kiss to my cheek before releasing me again.

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