Chapter Seventy Two

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Chapter Seventy Two

I stand on the sidelines watching Victor and Sang have their photo shoot. My palms are a little sweaty and the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach are something else. I've never felt like this before, not until I laid eyes on Sang.

She brings out emotions in me I didn't ever realise a person could feel. It's scary, yet the happiness I feel along with it brings me a sense of peace.

I'm so proud of her too. She's come so far in such a short amount of time. She's talking, playing the piano, and now singing. She doesn't always wear her glasses unless it's to school and she keeps her hair out of her face when she's at home, when she feels safe and content. That's when she tucks the silky blonde strands behind her ear, allowing us to see her, not what she tries to hide behind.

"Mr. Lee."

I startle at the familiar stern voice and peek at Mr Blackbourne from the corner of my eye. "Mr. Blackbourne."

He nods his head, telling me that he heard me. We're silent for a few minutes, watching Sang and Victor pose for their photos. It's amazing seeing her like this, interacting with my brother on an intimate level.

If I was any other normal teenage guy, I would have been bothered, jealous, of the girl I'm falling in love with in the arms of one of my best friends. But I'm not normal; I go to a school that's a secret organisation, my best friends I class as my brothers, family even. I leave my house in the middle of the night to go on assignments which can sometimes involve spying and breaking and entering. I'm not like those teenage boys that attend Ashley Waters, far from it.

So no, I'm not jealous of Sang being in Vic's arms. Sure, I wish for her to be in mine, but my time will come. Our moments together will always come and go but they're moments I'll love and appreciate every single time. As long as she's close by, I'm happy to sit back and watch her relax and interact with my brothers and the Toma team.

The Toma Team. They're a curveball I wasn't expecting, yet, I feel myself relaxed around them. I've known them for years, but for them to appear on the scene and to take an interest in Sang the same way we did a couple of weeks before did make me tense and made me doubt myself.

What if she liked them more than us?

What if she didn't want to be around us anymore but around them?

Yes, I worried, but that's who I am as a person. I'm a worrier and a thinker. I think of all the bad before I think of all the good.

"You've been quiet about the relationship that's growing and blossoming between us, the Toma team, and Sang. Is there anything you'd like to say about it?"

I consider Mr B's question for a few minutes, putting together the right words in my head before saying it. When I have my answer, I turn my head to look at him. When I'm serious about something, I like eye contact and Mr B knows this because his head turns and his grey eyes meet mine.

"Two weeks ago, I was scared," I admit. "The Toma team, they have more experience than us on this kind of relationship; share her, or lose her. They're also older, and probably have more experience than some of us, me included. So yes, I was scared and I did worry, I did doubt myself, us."

Mr Blackbourne nods his head. "And now?"

"Now I've realised that that wasn't the case. I'm trusting you, our brothers, the Toma team, Sang and myself. I'm trusting that saying, the one that goes; 'everything happens for a reason'. I believe that what is happening now is happening for a very good reason and I'm content with that, happy even. It's a risk I'm willing to take, with consequences I may or may not deal with. Whatever is happening, I'm going to try my hardest to make it work, to make it blossom and bloom."

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