𝐈 ' 𝐦 𝐒 𝐨 𝐫 𝐫 𝐲

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*Slight spice scene* ;)

Was she really that shallow? What did I do to deserve to be drugged? Was it jealousy? Rage? A misunderstanding? No it couldn't have been.. could it?

I tried to shake the thoughts of 'What ifs' out of my mind but they slowly continued to creep. Why did she? It couldn't have been cause of jealousy. They had been dating since 8th grade. What was it? I tossed and turned thinking of all the possibilities of what it could be when I was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"It's open." I spoke. A figure slowly began to make their way into my room. The one person who could make sense of this crazy situation:


I slowly slide up on the back-board of the bed and rested my hands on my lap. Xavier had his hands in his pockets with his head held down slightly.

He only does that when he feels guilty about something.

I raised my eyebrow in suspicion. I motioned for him to take a seat in the chair across from me. He hesitantly sat down in the seat. I cleared my throat. "Was it something that you wanted?" I asked to fill the awkward silence. Xaiver said, "Senaii, I-I came here to apologize."

Was this it? Was Xavier about to tell me what I've been waiting to hear?

"Senaii. I'm sorry for the whole 'forcing you to try and talk to me' thing at school today. It's just that- you never wanna see me anymore. Was it something that I did? I need answers."

That's it.


"Um isn't there something else you wanna say Xavier?" I asked with a slight annoyance. "Senaii what else would I have to apologize for?" Xavier asked.

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you believed your psychotic girlfriend over me." I mumbled. "What was that Senaii?" Xavier asked. "Oh. Nothing." I simply replied. Xavier stood up and walked over towards my bed. He got real close towards my ear and whispered, "Don't lie to me Senaii. What did you say?" Xavier said with some anger behind it.

Not gonna lie that was kinda attractive.

"I-I said that's all you had to say?" I stammered. Xavier kissed the top of my ear before he brought his attention to my face. He slowly analyzed my face and slowly stopped at my lips. I licked my lips without knowing it. Xavier ran his thumb over my bottom lip and laughed lightly. "Do I make you nervous Senaii?" Xavier asked smugly.

I could hear my heart beating in my ears. My eyes focused in on his lips in front of me.

Those big, soft, plump pink lips.

Xavier started to lean in when there was a sudden knock at the door which startled both of us. Xavier quickly sat back down in the chair across from me just as he was before. The nurse entered the room along with my mom and Khalil. "Oh. Didn't know you was here Xavier." Khalil said. "Oh.. yeah my mom had dropped me off to see Senaii. Hope that isn't too weird." Xavier said with a chuckle.

The nurse cleared her throat, "Ahem. I came here to say that since she hasn't shown any more signs that's she's free to go home." I sighed in relief. The nurse left shortly after her announcement. My mom ran over and gave me a hug, so did Khalil. My mom said she brought me a change of clothes for me to change into. She handed me the clothes and everyone went outside the room.

After I changed out of the hospital gown we drove back home.

I went to change into my pajamas and my phone buzzed.


𝐗 </3

Hey Senaii, can we talk?

Why do you think he wants to talk? Will she be willing to talk? Find out next time.. ♡

-Author ♡

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞Where stories live. Discover now