Destruction and Loss

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Warning: Swearing, death. Brief mentions of abuse and r@pe.

       "Rise and shine princess, time to wake up to the real world." Was the first thing Quaritch said, as he yanked me out of my link by my wrist. I noticed Jake was knocked out over a soldier's shoulder, his wrists tied behind his back by something orange.
       Strangely, my vision was blurred, and I just allowed the men to bind my wrists behind my back, then drag me out of the unit.

       "You let me down, son. So, what, you find yourself some local tail, and you just completely forget what team you're playing for?" Quaritch bent over to look directly at Jake, who glared at him.
       "Parker, there is time to salvage the situation. Parker..." Grace begins, before the scarred bastard interrupts her.
       "Shut your pie hole!" Quaritch exclaimed.
       "Or what, Ranger Rick? You gonna shoot me?" She challenged him.
       "I can do that." He answered, causing me to punch him in the face so fast, he definitely got whiplash.
       "I'd like to see you try. You are just jealous that nobody wants you, and your fragile ego that's covered in a thick layer of greed, and toxicity. You'd end up being a wife beater, or abuser. Scratch that, you'd be both. I bet you're even a rapist too." I snarled, causing Quaritch to glare at me, shoving his palms against my chest, but was stunned to see that I didn't move an inch.
       "You're stronger than you look, pixie." He said, an underlying threat in his tone.
       "Yeah, I am. You don't want to see what I can do to you in seconds, just like the other boys that thought they could treat me like I was beneath them. You are no man, you're nothin but a little bitch and a little boy hiding under a big boy suit." I hissed.
       "You need to muzzle your dog." Grace added in, pointing at Quaritch.
       "Yeah, can we just take this down a couple of notches, please?" Parker faked a smile at them, before Jake spoke up.
       "You say you want to keep your people alive? You start by listening to her." He gestures to Grace with his head.
       "Those trees were sacred to the Omaticaya in a way you can't imagine." She began, but Parker decided to interrupt this time.
       "Oh you know what? You throw a stick in the air around here, it's gonna land on some sacred...fern for Christ's sake!" He laughed.
       "Oh yeah? If someone knocked down an important person's figurine that you fought hard to protect and care for, and it shattered at your feet, wouldn't you be angry?" I snapped, glaring at him heatedly.
       "I'm not talking about some kind of pagan voodoo here. I'm talking about something real, something measurable in the biology of the forest." Grace said, blocking my way so I couldn't go over and punch Parker too.
       "Which is what, exactly?" Parker asked as he crossed his arms, casting a wary look at me.
       "What we think we know is that there is some kind of electrochemical communication, between the roots of the trees, like the synapses between neurons. And each tree has ten to the fourth connections to the trees around it. And there are ten to the twelfth trees on Pandora." Grace smiled, she and Jake nodding at each other.
       "Which is a lot, I'm guessing." Parker said, not understanding it's importance.
       "It's more connections than the human brain. Get it? It's a network. It's a global network, and the Na'vi can access it. They can upload and download data. Memories. At sites like the one you just destroyed. Yes!" She grinned, before it dropped at the last bits.
       "What the hell have you people been smoking out there? They're goddamn trees!" Parker cackled, Quaritch silently laughing. I didn't resist the urge to smack Parker.
       "Trees are just as important here as they were on earth! Yet of course people like you tear them down, pollute and corrupt everything you touch, making the air too toxic to be livable. The trees that were once on earth could filter out that toxic air and provide oxygen, these trees hold important memories of families! All of you are too stupid to understand how important things are on this planet!" I exclaimed, allowing Jake to pull me away so Grace could continue talking.
       "You need to wake up, Parker." She says, but he didn't listen.
       "No. You need to wake up." Parker retorts.
       "The wealth of this world isn't in the ground. It's all around us. The Na'vi know that, and they are fighting to defend it. If you want to share this world with them, you need to understand them." Grace said matter of factly.
       "I'd say understand them just find, thanks to Jake here. Hey Doc, come take a look." Quaritch tried to hide his confident smirk, as he revealed one of Jake's old recordings.
       "So, since a deal can't be made, I guess things get real simple. Jake, thanks. I'm getting all emotional, I might just give you a big wet kiss." Quaritch smiled, and I scoffed.
       "This is just repeating history, just on another planet. You don't care about the natives, you kill and do whatever you want with them, to get what you want. In this case, the Unobtanium. This is not your land, just like America wasn't ours. They stole it, and now you are doing the same damn thing. Claiming the Unobtanium as yours for the taking, because you say you can. You will kill innocent children, and innocent people. You will start the war, and the next thing you know, you kill off this planet too. Like humanity did to Earth. Then you move on to a new planet, and the cycle continues." I spat, my fists clutched at my sides angrily, though I continued.
       "HomeTree is the Omaticaya clan's home. Imagine if people invaded your home, claimed your property as theirs, then drove you out to be homeless with your family. You are planning on taking THEIR home away from THEM. Nothing here belongs to you! They have a right to this planet! This planet does not belong to us, it is their home, and they know what's best for it. They fight against you, because you are not good for it, you are the virus in the body. It multiplies and spreads." I took a pause when Quaritch tried to interrupt my speech, but I harshly shushed him.
       "People like you are unwanted here, your ignorance blinds you. No matter how 'humane' you think you are in whatever way you decide to drive them out, you are still thieves. The bad guys. It will get you killed. Pretty princess, Quaritch here, only got a warning. You won't last a day out there, so you hide away here like the rats you are. For heavens sake, you have disposable soldiers do all the work for you! You could care less about them, no matter how much you lie and say that you do. You'll end up dead, and I hope whatever deity you go to, believe that you don't deserve mercy for all the wrong you have done. I will laugh and smile at your corpses!" I yelled, not caring how morbid that I got.
       We all left for them to think, yet we all knew that they were too dense to listen. Their as dumb as a rock, which doesn't even have a thought process in the first place. Their heads were stuck too far up their asses.

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